Woodpeckers News

Over the past couple of weeks in Woodpeckers, we have been learning all about deforestation. This week, we came together to debate whether deforestation is a good or a bad thing. To begin with, we put our own personal opinions aside and researched both sides of the argument. Looking at the reasons why people think …

This week school council have been decorating their suggestion boxes! These will be placed in their classes after half-term, ready to be filled with pupil suggestions. Thanks to our year 6 helpers who also helped us decorate these at lunch.

This week in Woodpeckers, we have finished reading The Iron Man. We loved the story so much, that we decided to try and bring it to life through some role play. To begin with, we looked back through our books to recap the main events, characters, settings and vocabulary used within each chapter. Then, we …

This morning, some of Woodpeckers took part in the 2022 TCS Mini London Marathon. We ran, hopped, jumped, skipped, danced and dribbled our way round the hall for 2.6 miles!

Today our newly appointed school councillors received their badges in assembly! They were all very excited and proud to show themselves off to the whole school. They also took part in their first school council meeting at lunch time, and have been tasked with their first job of finding a box suitable to turn into …

Over the past few weeks in Woodpeckers, we have been learning all about biomes. Last lesson, we looked specifically into the rainforest biome, and compared a country in a rainforest biome (Brazil) to a country in a temperate forest biome (England). Today, we have looked into these biomes in greater depth, by comparing the different …

Today in Woodpeckers, we have used our previous learning of comparing and ordering numbers to help us place numbers on different number lines and also help us create our own. To begin with, we looked at what a number line is, what they look like and how they can differ. Then, we had a go …

To celebrate Black History Month, we took part in some fantastic dancing with our new friends from the Ivory Coast. Have a look for yourself and ask us to reenact when we get home!

In Maths this morning, our year 4 have learned all about Roman numerals. To begin with, we discussed what Roman numerals are, and where we might still see them today (clocks, sun dials, on the titles of kings and queens). Then, we learned about the 7 different letters used to indicate numbers and how these …

In English this week, we have been looking at what makes a good character description. When looking at a WAGOLL on Wednesday, we noticed that it contained lots of adjectives, nouns, expanded noun phrases and similes. Today, we took part in a scavenger hunt, finding and identifying nouns and adjectives, which we then used to …
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