Puffins News

Today, Puffins celebrated World Soil Day. Initially, they were given some clues (see below) which they had use to decipher what they’d be doing today. Some suggestions were… “Are we burying pants to catch aliens?” “Will we be growing underpants trees?” “Are we digging to find out how Stanley Yelnats felt?” (Linking to our current …

Today in Puffins, we have been learning all about the Mayan calendar. We started our session by looking at what the Mayan calendar (the Haab and the Tzolk’in) is, it’s different components and, how we believe it worked. We then compared it to the calendar we have nowadays, highlighting similarities such as, both use/used numbers, …

Today in Puffins, we have spent some of the morning reading more of our class book ‘Holes’ and debating 3 statements: Stanley is struggling; Zero is a good friend and, Stanley is a hero. To begin with, we read chapters 38 to 41, making notes supporting both sides of the argument for each statement. After, …

Today we visited the Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara in Bradford. The children were greeted so warmly by all staff and community. They were taught about the life of a Sikh and the traditions, values and cultural practices. We were all treated to a snack of freshly cooked roti and lentil dhal in the Langar Hall. …

Years 5 and 6 spent an enjoyable morning at the Sikh Gurdwara in Bradford where they could not have received a warmer welcome from the Sikh volunteers. It was a privilege to visit the serene prayer hall and listen to the priest reciting from the holy scriptures and this was followed by an informative talk …

Today in Puffins, we have been learning all about square numbers. After defining and identifying our square numbers up to 12×12, we had a go at playing the rapid square number recall game with our buddies.

Exercise and our body | 16 Nov 2023

In Science, we have challenged the children to see how regular exercise affects their mood, self-esteem, sleep and health. Today, we modelled a basic circuit that could be completed in the home (sit ups, press ups, burpees, plank, bear crawls and step ups). The children have recorded their baseline figures and are going to retest …

Today in Puffins, we built upon our previous learning from yesterday’s session by discovering what common multiples and factors are. We then had a go at showing these through using Venn Diagrams.

This morning we were lucky enough to take part in a hockey workshop with Alex, from Ben Rhydding Hockey Club. We had lots of fun showing off our dribbling, stopping and passing skills!

Today in Puffins we have been learning about multiples and factors. After defining and understanding the meaning of both these terms, we put our knowledge into practise through playing various multiple and factors games with our buddies.
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