Puffins News

Today, some of the School Council team have been to Leeds to take part in the Outer North West Youth Summit. They had a great day meeting and chatting to a number of local councillors, as well as the Lord Mayor and Leeds Child Mayor. Together they have made some very big decisions about how …

If, like me, you wake up at night crying out for the answer to the question above, then worry no longer. At Tranmere, we care about the quality of everyone’s sleep so have set out to solve the conundrum once and for all. UKS2 have spent the day testing which biscuit (a custard cream, chocolate …

Today, we were treated to a taster golf session, run by Stu Warren, a PGA Professional and Golf Education Tutor. We had lots of fun practising and developing our swing, and especially enjoyed the competitive games we played against each other. Luca even managed to impress Stu so much that he was given ‘Legend’ status!

For World Book Day today, Puffins were transported to Hogwarts! Together in their houses, they’ve spent the day competing in a range of activities, tasks and challenges to be crowned the best house in school! Activities have included – poster making, Quidditch (kind of), a reading session, a buddy swap round with Eagles, a fashion …

After running for a term for years 1 and 2, Chess Club started at break time today for years 3 and 4. There were some fantastic games happening this morning! If you’re currently in Red Kites, Woodpeckers or Falcons and would like to come to chess club, it will run in the LKS2 shared area …

This week in Puffins, we have started our new Maths unit – Decimals. Before we begin our Year 5 learning, we have spent some time today re-capping our previous knowledge from years 3 and 4. To begin with, we discussed what decimals are and where we might see them / use them in everyday life. …

Today, the Doves classroom looked a little different; it was blacked out, the tables were arranged in a chaotic juxtaposition and booby traps (trip wires and pressure pads) were set out for the children to try and avoid. This brought our electricty topic to a close. Next up, light.

Today in Puffins, we have had a go at creating our own reading comprehension questions based on chapters 9 and 10 of Tribes. Firstly, we read the chapters and discussed some example retrieval, inference and choice style questions. Here we had some great discussion around the features of each question and how we would use …

Today in Puffins, we have been creating choropleth maps that show the casualties of both the Allies and Axis countries from WW2. To begin with, we had a look at various choropleth maps that told us about the population density and wealth of the UK. This enabled us to understand how they work and what …

This morning, Puffins took part in an interactive Spaceship Earth Show presented by The STEM Hub. The children saw what it would be like to be launched into our solar system and what we use satellites for.
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