Puffins News

For our topic exit point we enjoyed visiting Jorvik to discover the sights, sounds and smells of the Viking Age. We also visited The DIG which gave the children a hands-on experience of being an archaeologist by digging for evidence in the digging pits and putting their enquiry skills to the test. There were many …

In English, we have been learning all about performance poetry, particularly in relation to fairy tales. We had a look at some examples and watched some poems being performed as well, we loved Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. We then talked through all the different techniques that are used within these types of poems, particularly the …

Today marks the start of Anti-Bullying week for 2022. To show our support, we have all come to school dressed in odd/crazy socks! In classes, we have discussed that this represents how is it cool for us all to be different, and how we should never be unkind towards others because of their differences. Throughout …

In our meetings so far this half-term, School Council have discussed how they’d like a space pupils can go to, to just ‘chill out’ sometimes. As a group we came up with the idea of running a lunchtime club called ‘Chill out Tuesdays’. Here pupils can read, draw, craft, play chess, chat to their friends …

Today, we had our fantastic Puffins Class Drop In. It was absolutely amazing to welcome parents back into the classroom and get to show off all our hard work that we have been doing. We were able to show them our books and talk through our work together. We also challenged them to help us …

This week school council have been decorating their suggestion boxes! These will be placed in their classes after half-term, ready to be filled with pupil suggestions. Thanks to our year 6 helpers who also helped us decorate these at lunch.

As part of our Anglo Saxons topic this term, we have been learning about the mystery of Sutton Hoo. Today, we have become real life archaeologists. Firstly, we went out onto the banks and had to find artefacts that were hidden. Once we had found these, we had to write what we thought these artefacts …

Today our newly appointed school councillors received their badges in assembly! They were all very excited and proud to show themselves off to the whole school. They also took part in their first school council meeting at lunch time, and have been tasked with their first job of finding a box suitable to turn into …

To celebrate Black History Month, we took part in some fantastic dancing with our new friends from the Ivory Coast. Have a look for yourself and ask us to reenact we get home!

In RE this half-term, we have been thinking about what people value and how this can differ. Certain religions value different things but even if you are not religious, everyone has values that they feel are important to them. We played a game where we discussed the different values in our life and ranked them …
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