Puffins News

To mark Safer Internet Day, Puffins discussed the pros and cons of using the internet. We then took part in a Safer Internet Day virtual assembly, run by the Google Be Internet Legends programme. After this, we played their ‘Interland’ game to help us remember how to keep safe online.

The Dunwells | 10 Feb 2023

We had another visit from The Dunwells today. How lucky are we? They did two songwriting workshops and with Year 4 and Year 5 which were performed for us at the end of the day. The songs they had written sounded great. After that we were treated to an exclusive little gig from the the …

Ed and the School Council would like to say a HUGE thank you to Team Tranmere for all of the wonderful donations that have been given for the food bank. Everyone has been so generous and we know that this donation will make a big difference to those in need.

This week is National Storytelling Week. To help celebrate this, the School Council have hosted a storytelling competition. Those who wanted to enter needed to write a story (true or made up) and hand it in to their class councillor. On Friday, the councillors got together to choose a selection of their favourite stories. These …

Puffins – Express Yourself Entry Point | 17 Jan 2023

For our Entry Point to our new topic, Express Yourself, each person in our class had to teach a skill. We had a wide range of skills that were taught and it was lovely to see all the children taking a lead role and teaching. Take a look for yourselves at our talents!  

The children have outdone themselves this Tranmere Christmas; the table decorations, the dancing and the festive spirit on show were so great that we wanted to share. (Don’t panic 5/6; we’ve kept the dancing between us!)

To finish off our English Performance Poetry topic, we have planned and written our own poem based on a well-known Fairy Tale in groups. We used all of the techniques we have been learning about and came up with some fantastic ones! The hardest part was coming up with a bit of a twist to …

Over the past couple of weeks, all children, from EYFS to Year 6, have been working hard on their Little Inventors Christmas Competition task. Children were given the following brief and had to come up with their own original, weird and wonderful ideas! ‘Tis the season to hang the stockings, roll up the snowmen, and …

As part of our learning about the Vikings, we have looked at the invasion of Lindisfarne in AD793. We discussed what happened and why it happened. We then had a debate where half of the class were Vikings and half were monks. We debated whether the Vikings should have invaded and how this impacted on …

At the moment, we are continuing to read our class Reading book, Cogheart. We are loving it and in the words of some of the children, it’s starting to get ‘juicy’. Today, we read part of Chapter 13 before Miss Gomersall cruelly left it on a real cliff-hanger. From this, we then acted out our …
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