Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

We have had a great afternoon outside. Reception took part in an exciting outdoor adventure that exercised our bodies and minds – orienteering. The children had to navigate between different checkpoints by reading maps to find the different pictures on the cones. Our next challenged was to attempt this on the uneven terrain…. the field! …

Reception have had a great day today discovering facts about space. We found out about who was the first man on the moon and learnt the names of the planets. We created our own rockets, made planets using bubble paints and even made a moon buggy. We then read the story of ‘What ever next’ …

Kingfishers Blitz Art | 04 Mar 2024

Kingfishers have really enjoyed learning all about The Blitz. I think you will agree that their paintings and silhouettes are outstanding. Please come to Kingfishers classroom to see the display.

Red Kites Science – Heating and Cooling | 01 Mar 2024

Red Kites carried out an experiment to find out what temperature chocolate melts at. They worked in small groups, allocating roles to each other, measuring temperatures and the times it took for chocolate to melt in water of different temperatures. They eventually discovered that chocolate melts at 25 degrees Celsius, which is how it feels …

We have had a lovely morning sharing all our wonderful work with our parents. The children were really excited. We planted seeds, made mini gardens, drew marvellous flowers, read the stories of Framer Duck and Jasper’s Beanstalk, whilst writing shopping lists at our farm shop. We finished with a little sing song and then waved …

Falcons carried out an experiment to try to find out what temperature chocolate melts at. They worked in small groups, allocating roles to each other and measuring temperatures and times it took for chocolate to melt in water of different temperatures. They eventually discovered that chocolate melts at 25 degrees Celsius, which is how it …

After exploring the history of kites, the three classes, Falcons, Woodpeckers and Red Kites, dedicated a full day to design, create and fly their own kites. To kick off the day, we all gathered in the hall, being welcomed in by ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’ from the film Mary Poppins. We recapped the knowledge …

As part of our RE lessons, Mrs Maan came to school to give a presentation on Sikhism to all of LKS2. The children got to learn more about Sikhism and add to their knowledge already gained from lessons in class this term. They got to ask lots of questions! Avaani did a brilliant job taking …
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