Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

Today, the children had an opportunity to practise their golfing skills. They played two different games which focused on accuracy, teamwork and swapping fairly. They had a fabulous morning and really enjoyed the lesson. Lots of the children proved they were very good golfers!

Today we enjoyed learning all about how to play golf. We learnt how to hold the club, hit the ball, while taking turns as we started to tee off. We used the mats to help us direct the ball in the right direction and collected the cones when we hit them. The final challenge was …

Today, Falcons were lucky enough to spend a session with a PGA Professional and Golf Education Tutor, Stu Warren. He came in to give us a taster of Golf and we loved it! We had great fun practising our swing and drive and by the end of the session, we all had massively improved and …

Today, we were treated to a taster golf session, run by Stu Warren, a PGA Professional and Golf Education Tutor. We had lots of fun practising and developing our swing, and especially enjoyed the competitive games we played against each other. Luca even managed to impress Stu so much that he was given ‘Legend’ status!

World Book Day 2024 | 07 Mar 2024

What fantastic book characters we had in Eagles today! We had a busy day reading for pleasure and sharing our favourite books. We buddied up with Puffins to share our reading and got the Y5s to read to us. We took some time to make our own bookmarks using stencils and used these to track …

Skylarks class have been investigating structures from around the world. They worked in groups to try to identify the type of structure, what it was made from and most importantly what made it stable!The children came up with some brilliant ideas and noticed that for many structures, the base is wider than the top, helping …

For World Book Day today, Puffins were transported to Hogwarts! Together in their houses, they’ve spent the day competing in a range of activities, tasks and challenges to be crowned the best house in school! Activities have included – poster making, Quidditch (kind of), a reading session, a buddy swap round with Eagles, a fashion …

Bluebirds have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day! We have watched stories, shared stories with Woodpeckers and even listened to stories in French! Bluebirds impressed us all today with their fantastically creative costumes and enjoyed showcasing them to the school in our very own fashion show! Well done everyone!

As part of our topic work, the children have been learning different strengthening techniques in order to make their towers stronger. Today, the children rotated around the three classrooms, completing different activities. They learnt that triangles are stronger than squares and that diagonal struts add additional support. They also rolled paper to add strength and …

Yesterday, Eagles class took part in a fun and engaging orienteering workshop. The children began by using simple maps to identify images hidden on cones. They had to remember to always orientate the map to North in order to find the correct pictures. Once we had the hang of this, the children completed an orienteering …
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