Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

This half term, our topic is “Hooray, Let’s Go On Holiday!” To excite the children about their learning, we start each new topic with an entry point – a fun and exciting activity which brings the learning to life.Today, the children opened up their own travel agents and practised role playing the roles of the …

In today’s lesson, Year 2 learnt to represent numbers to 100 using tens and ones. They used a variety of equipment and pictorial representations to build the numbers, allowing them to visualise the number of tens and ones. Take a look at our learning below!

Today, we have been representing numbers to 100 using tens and ones. The children worked in pairs to choose a number and find different ways to represent it. They used concrete resources such as; numicon, base 10, counters, multi-link cubes and bead strings. They also drew pictorial representations to represent numbers to 100.

This morning, we have been celebrating Roald Dahl’s birthday. We have been learning about who Roald Dahl is and why he is important. We have discussed different books he wrote for children and even had chance to read some of them with our friends.

This half term, we are working on our knowledge of place value. Today, the children were sorting objects into groups. They could choose to sort the objects by colour, shape or size. Some children were challenging themselves and were attempting to sort a variety of objects in lots of different ways. Well done Eagles!

This week, Year 1 are learning how to sort objects in different ways based on their characteristics. Today, we enjoyed sorting objects by their size, colour and type. We learnt that you can sort the same set of objects in different ways. At the end of the lesson, we challenged ourselves by sorting every object …

To help introduce our new Romans Topic, we learnt all about the different vocabulary that may crop up when we begin all of our interesting lessons. We had to match pictures, words and definitions. Not only did this keep our brains functioning (they were working very hard!), we also had to work as a team …

This week in Puffins, we’ve been history detectives, discovering what life may have been like during the Mayan era. Using a gallery of paintings by Frederick Catherwood, we worked with our peers to highlight what their key features told us about what life was like back then. We found evidence that gave us lots of …

To ensure that we knew everything about place value and what each digit was worth, we played, what turned into a very competitive, game. The aim of the game was to create either the biggest or the smallest number (depending on which Miss Gomersall asked for) from the numbers that we rolled. There were some …

The new Eagles class have settled in brilliantly! They have all grown so much over the Summer and are ready for the next step in their learning journey – Year 1.So far, the children have impressed us with their brilliant listening, ability to follow instructions and team work. What a great start to the year!
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