Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

In Skylarks, the children have been learning how to find one more and one less than a number to 10. Today, the children played a board game with their partner. When they landed on a number, they had to find one less than the number given. As well as some fantastic calculating skills, we also …

Have a look at the pictures below from our science lesson on comparing the amount of sugar in different drinks. Apologies if we have a returned a sticky child today!    

Today in Puffins, we have been recreating illustrations from our Mayan book, The Rain Player. We started our session by looking at each of the pictures, discussing the different colours, layers and textures. We then chose a selection of our favourites to recreate using various medium.

Today Robins had their first PE lesson. We listened to the instructions and learnt a song about riding a bike. We moved in and out of all the spaces, remembering to beep our horns as we past our friends.   

Today we had our first PE lesson in Bluebirds. The children were very excited and really enjoyed our lesson warm up where we pretended we were riding bikes! The children then explored movement and worked to control their bodies when marching, balancing and jogging. We really enjoyed our first PE lesson and look forward to …

Today, we became blood cells and journeyed around our circulatory system. During our journey, we entered each of the four chambers of the heart before being pumped to either the body or the lungs to complete the gaseous exchange.

Today we visited the beach! Only through meditation but the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of hearing the waves crashing against the shore, the seagulls squawking and imagining their feet walking on the warm sand. As a class, we then discussed all of the activities that we might get up to when we are at …

We are reading Rain Player – a Mayan story including the rain God, Chac, Pik, Quetzal, Jaguar and Ah- Kin – Mai. How does the story end? See if you can tell from these freeze frames.

The Mayan ball game of Pok-O-Tok is a challenging and sometimes brutal game. Rules are harsh, playing conditions are harsher and the consequences if your team loses are unimaginable! Here we are having a go. It’s certainly a skilful and challenging game. Ask your children about some of the rules and stories that they have …

As part of our work on place value, the children have been learning to use and recognise the symbols <, > and = associated with less than, greater than and equal to. Today, they utilised practical apparatus to help them show that a range of given statements were true. As they were working, they used …
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