Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

We are working so hard to learn how to play the ukulele in our music lessons. We have progressed so much and can now play the ukulele and sing along to lots of songs. Today we were also learning to play the C and A minor chords, and practicing moving our fingers from one note …

Today in Puffins, we have been learning all about square numbers. After defining and identifying our square numbers up to 12×12, we had a go at playing the rapid square number recall game with our buddies.

This week in Science, we conducted an investigation! The question we looked at was ‘Does head circumference help us to predict a person’s height?’ We made our predictions and then soon set about trying to find the answer. We used metre sticks and tape measures to find out the measurements for children in the class …

Exercise and our body | 16 Nov 2023

In Science, we have challenged the children to see how regular exercise affects their mood, self-esteem, sleep and health. Today, we modelled a basic circuit that could be completed in the home (sit ups, press ups, burpees, plank, bear crawls and step ups). The children have recorded their baseline figures and are going to retest …

In Maths, the children have been exploring number bonds. Using practical apparatus, they investigated pairs of numbers that add together to make numbers within 10. The children enjoyed investigating these number facts and worked well to record their findings using the addition and equals symbols. Great work Eagles!

Following a half term of learning hockey skills in PE, Doves were able to practise these skills in front of the hockey coach from Ben Rhyding hockey club. Alex, the coach, was very impressed and we managed to get through the session with only one bruised ankle! Well done Doves – you behaved really maturely …

Eagles Exit Point – Art Gallery | 15 Nov 2023

Today KS1 had their exit point for out topic ‘Hooray, Let’s Go On Holiday!’ Throughout our topic, the children have used pastels, pencils and charcoal to create a wide array of art linked to our work on the seaside. Today, the children showcased their work to Kingfishers class and opened our classroom as an art …

Today in Puffins, we built upon our previous learning from yesterday’s session by discovering what common multiples and factors are. We then had a go at showing these through using Venn Diagrams.

This morning we were lucky enough to take part in a hockey workshop with Alex, from Ben Rhydding Hockey Club. We had lots of fun showing off our dribbling, stopping and passing skills!

This morning, for our Topic exit point, we had a special visit from Red Kites and shared our AMAZING artwork with them. Herons has the opportunity to discuss their artwork with Red Kites. They spoke about the different media and techniques they used and which piece was their favourite. Red Kites were really impressed with …
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