Class Page News – Choose a specific class below

Today in Puffins, we have been learning all about the Mayan calendar. We started our session by looking at what the Mayan calendar (the Haab and the Tzolk’in) is, it’s different components and, how we believe it worked. We then compared it to the calendar we have nowadays, highlighting similarities such as, both use/used numbers, …

As part of our topic on Celebrations this week we clebrated Diwali. We read the story of Rama and Sita, created a Diwali dance, made divia lamps and made Rangoli patterns. We even decorated the home corner for Diwali. Mrs Marshall very kindly come in to help and dondated many new artfacts for the children …

Using a plastic bag to represent the stomach and a leg from a pair of tights to represent the intestines, Falcon class learnt about the journey of food through the digestive system. The food journey demonstration went from the mouth right to the other end of the digestive system. It was a fun way to …

Story Bus Visit | 23 Nov 2023

The library story bus came to visit today. We went to the bus in groups and listened to a lovely story, sang some songs including The Wheels on the Bus – of course – and then had a chance to read some of the books ourselves. We really enjoyed it and the great news is…… …

Story Bus Visit The library story bus came came to visit today. We went to the bus in groups and listened to a lovely story, sang some songs including The Wheels on the Bus – of course – and then had a chance to read some of the books ourselves. We all really enjoyed it …

Today in Puffins, we have spent some of the morning reading more of our class book ‘Holes’ and debating 3 statements: Stanley is struggling; Zero is a good friend and, Stanley is a hero. To begin with, we read chapters 38 to 41, making notes supporting both sides of the argument for each statement. After, …

As part of our work on addition, today’s mastery group were challenged to create their own ‘part-whole models.’ The children had to select a number and then identify the different parts using practical equipment. The children then used the addition and equals symbols to record their calculations on their whiteboards.  

This morning, for our topic exit point, Skylarks had a special visit from Falcons to share their AMAZING artwork with them. Skylarks had the opportunity to discuss their artwork and could speak about the different media and techniques that they had used. Falcons were really impressed with how FANTASTIC their artwork was! Well done, Skylarks!

Today we visited the Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara in Bradford. The children were greeted so warmly by all staff and community. They were taught about the life of a Sikh and the traditions, values and cultural practices. We were all treated to a snack of freshly cooked roti and lentil dhal in the Langar Hall. …

Years 5 and 6 spent an enjoyable morning at the Sikh Gurdwara in Bradford where they could not have received a warmer welcome from the Sikh volunteers. It was a privilege to visit the serene prayer hall and listen to the priest reciting from the holy scriptures and this was followed by an informative talk …
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