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Kingfishers final Mayan Temples | 19 Dec 2023

Here are the finished temples. We are so impressed with the final models – we hope you agree. We also used Tinkercad to help with our planning and design of our 3D temples.

Yesterday, the children has a wonderful afternoon filled with festive party games and music! We had fun playing musical statues, musical bumps, Christmas corners and pass the parcel. The children then enjoyed their AMAZING Christmas snacks and treats whilst listening to festive music! Take a look at how much fun we all had!

Over the past few days, we have been busy bringing our Mayan Temple designs to life. The temples themselves were made from balsa wood, which required us to carefully measure (to the nearest mm), cut (with hacksaws) and stick (with PVA and hot glue guns) together various different sized squares, which we stacked together to …

This week in Puffins, we started our Topic Exit-Point/DT project, ‘to create a Mayan Temple’. To begin with, we had a go at using computer aided design to generate our plans for the main temple. Then, we worked in groups to create detailed annotated sketches of what we would like the landscape around our temples …

We investigated the effects of liquids on teeth by testing orange juice, cola, vinegar and water on hard boiled eggs. The composition of the shell of a hard boiled egg is similar to that of the surface of our teeth so we put a hard boiled egg into each of these liquids and left them …

In KS1 the children have practiced a variety of design technology techniques in preparation for their T-shirt making! Some of the skills we have learnt include; fringing, sewing, pinning, stapling, coiling and stamping.

It’s been a creative day in Kingfishers. The class have made 3D Mayan Temples from balsa wood. It was a challenging task. Wood needed to be measured to certain lengths to create squares, cut accurately using a hack saw, corner supports cut and stuck in place, 3D cube structure for the top and designing an …

Today in Doves, we have been creating 3D Mayan Temple art. To begin with, we looked at a range of architecture from both the Mayan period and Modern Day, discussing layout, materials, purpose and key features. After this, we looked more closely at a Mayan temple, highlighting its symmetry, number of steps and details. Finally, …

Today in Puffins, we have been creating 3D Mayan Temple art. To begin with, we looked at a range of architecture from both the Mayan period and Modern Day, discussing layout, materials, purpose and key features. After this, we looked more closely at a Mayan temple, highlighting its symmetry, number of steps and details. Finally, …

Today, we have been investigating the repeating patterns that we might find on fabrics. We discussed how it might be the colours or shapes that are repeated within a pattern. We looked at different artists, explored lots of different examples and shared our ideas with our partner and class. We then used felt tip pens …
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