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Today in Puffins, we have been creating choropleth maps that show the casualties of both the Allies and Axis countries from WW2. To begin with, we had a look at various choropleth maps that told us about the population density and wealth of the UK. This enabled us to understand how they work and what …

Eagles have continued their topic work on ‘Time Travellers’ and have started to travel back in time beyond living memory to 1666 and the time of ‘The Great Fire of London.’ Today, the children learnt about London in the present day using Google Earth and aerial photographs. We used these tools to help us to …

This morning, Puffins took part in an interactive Spaceship Earth Show presented by The STEM Hub. The children saw what it would be like to be launched into our solar system and what we use satellites for.

Year 1 have been learning how to subtract using a number line. Today, they worked practically to solve calculations and a range of maths challenges.Here we are at work!

This morning in Puffins, we have spent some time looking at the key vocabulary that we will be using within our WW2 topic. We had great fun matching each word to its definition and discussing examples of each.

To finish our English unit on instructions/ recipes, Skylarks are going to write their own instructions of how to make a jam sandwich. Firstly, we thought it was important that we all know how to make a jam sandwich, so that’s what we did! Take a look at our photos below. We thought about each …

Puffins were very excited today to show off their cases/pillowcases they had packed with items they thought would be useful /helpful if they had to be evacuated. We had some fantastic discussions about items that were brought in. After this, we then compared our items with a suitcase from the 1940s. Although there were some …

This week we have been learning about Neil Armstrong and ‘The First Moon Landing.’ We have read a range of interesting books and have watched clips in order to find out more about him and his exploration into Space. Today, we worked in pairs to mind map facts about Neil Armstrong. We then shared these …

Eagles have been learning how to subtract using a number line. Today, they worked practically to solve calculations and a range of maths challenges. Here we are at work!  

Kingfishers – ENTRY POINT – World War Two | 17 Jan 2024

Evacuee suitcase. Children were very excited to show their cases or pillowcases with items they thought would be useful and helpful if they had to be evacuated – a real mixture of personal and practical items. We had discussions about how useful a tin of beans would be without an opener and how a newspaper …
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