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Today, the children completed a carousel of 4 different shape activities; sorting 2D shapes, sorting 3D shapes, making patterns using 2D shapes and making patterns using 3D shapes. Sorting 2D and 3D shapes: The children were given hoops to create a Venn diagram and had to sort the shapes based on the categories they were …

To start our topic of Perimeter in Maths, we went practical! We learnt all about what perimeter was and how we can work it out for different shapes. First, we drew our own shapes and then calculated their perimeter. We then went round the classroom and measured certain objects to find their perimeter. See for yourself! …

We are well and truly loving our history topic this half term and are enjoying any opportunity to delve deeper into the past and find out more! As part of our work on the Great Fire of London, we have been looking at extracts from Samuel Pepys’ diary. We have also looked at paintings from …

Today in Puffins, we have had a go at creating our own reading comprehension questions based on chapters 9 and 10 of Tribes. Firstly, we read the chapters and discussed some example retrieval, inference and choice style questions. Here we had some great discussion around the features of each question and how we would use …

Herons have continued their topic work on ‘Time Travellers’ and have started to travel back in time beyond living memory to 1666 and the time of ‘The Great Fire of London.’ The children have learnt about London in the present day using Google Earth and aerial photographs. We used these tools to help us to …

Skylarks have continued their topic work on ‘Time Travellers’ and have started to travel back in time beyond living memory to 1666 and the time of ‘The Great Fire of London.’ Today, the children learnt about London in the present day using Google Earth and aerial photographs. We used these tools to help us to …

KS1 Great Fire of London Workshop | 31 Jan 2024

Today Ks1 took part in a fantastic workshop run by no other than Samuel Pepys himself! The children enjoyed stepping back over 350 years to ‘The Great Fire of London’ and learning more about what Samuel witnessed during this historic event. The Great Fire formed only a very small part of his diary but we …

To complete our English unit on instructions and recipes, we followed instructions to make jam sandwiches. Afterwards we wrote our own instructions for others, making sure that they were numbered, started with an imperative verb and gave enough information. The jam sandwiches were delicious.

Red Kites – Entry Point | 25 Jan 2024

Red Kites experienced a ‘slow volcano eruption’ in the classroom. It was the entry point activity for their new Planet Earth topic and got them thinking about what causes the eruptions and what is actually happening when they occur.

EYFS Puppet Workshop | 25 Jan 2024

Parents and carers were invited to take part in a puppet workshop with the children in Robins and Bluebirds. After sharing some information about Expressive Arts and Design in Early Years and a short challenge for our visitors, everyone set to work on their puppets. There was a lovely, happy atmosphere in the hall and …
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