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This week in Puffins, we have started our new Maths unit – Decimals. Before we begin our Year 5 learning, we have spent some time today re-capping our previous knowledge from years 3 and 4. To begin with, we discussed what decimals are and where we might see them / use them in everyday life. …

In Early Years this week, we have been learning about Chinese New Year. Today in PE, the children took part in a ‘Lion Dance.’ The Lion Dance is meant to send away bad luck and bring lots of good luck for the New Year ahead. We all learnt the dance before creating our own Chinese …

Today, the Doves classroom looked a little different; it was blacked out, the tables were arranged in a chaotic juxtaposition and booby traps (trip wires and pressure pads) were set out for the children to try and avoid. This brought our electricty topic to a close. Next up, light.

Today, the children took part in an investigation about exercise. We asked the following question: Which activity will make your heart rate faster? Before exercising, we made an observation by checking our pulse. We discussed that our heart rate was fairly slow, steady and not very strong. After completing a workout, we checked our pulse …

Yesterday KS1 had a very special delivery! 20 eggs were delivered to us in an incubator with news that they would soon be hatching! This morning we had 2 chicks and by the end of the day we had a whopping 7! The children are so eggcited about their arrival and can’t wait for cuddles …

In English, we are currently reading the book ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ from the Chronicles of Narnia. We are really enjoying it so far and can’t wait to read some more. In our last lesson, we looked at a WABOLL (What a Bad One Looks Like) of a setting description that was …

Eagles Practical Maths – Understanding ‘teen’ numbers | 21 Feb 2024

In Maths today, the children have been focusing on the numbers 14, 15 and 16. We have been recognising the place value of each digit in these numbers and have been representing them in various ways.

Falcons Science – Non-Newtonian Fluids | 08 Feb 2024

Falcons made and explored cornflour goop which is a Non-Newtonion fluid. In other words, it has different properties and behaves differently to other fluids (Newtonian fluids). When you mix cornflour and water together it creates a suspension, sometimes behaving like a solid and sometimes behaving like a liquid and it’s fun to explore, if a …

EYFS Exit Point – A Celebration of Castles | 07 Feb 2024

Robins and Bluebirds looked amazing today! They çame dressed up as kings, queens, princes, princessses, knights and dragons for our very special celebration of castles. We had a fantastic day taking part in a rotation of activities which included learning a medieval dance, making crowns, building a castle outside and listening to and acting out …

Today KS1 had a fantastic combined Muddy Puddles Day/Exit Point, concluding our topic of ‘Time Travellers.’ The children have absolutely loved this topic so it was lovely to finish with such a practical activity that summed up our learning this half term. Today, Alfresco Learning delivered our wonderfully engaging workshop. The children had ‘hands on’ …
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