Kingfishers News

To celebrate Black History Month, we took part in some fantastic dancing with our new friends from the Ivory Coast. Have a look for yourself and ask us to reenact we get home!

For our entry point we looked at historical images from periods of history. The children had to search for clues to decide what the picture was showing. They had to place the dates and sort in chronological order on a timeline. The children really enjoyed working in groups, sharing and discussing the prior knowledge that …

Queen Elizabeth II | 12 Sep 2022

Following the sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Tranmere Park pupils have paid their respects by celebrating and reflecting on her achievements and importance to the UK. Take a look at our pictures below.

Year 6 Leavers 2022 | 22 Jul 2022

We have had a fantastic afternoon saying goodbye to our Year 6s. The photos below really capture the fun of what was a top drawer send off….

The question – What does Great Britain mean to me? We discussed the question and this is what we thought about – fish & chips, roast dinner, the weather, democracy, historical buildings and people, countryside and even Mr Whippy! The children wrote raps, poems, designed leaflets and presented their ideas to the class. We were …

The Kingfishers and Puffins have discovered all about trading during an activity that saw them creating products, as well as negotiating for raw materials. The class was split into teams and each team faced unique challenges as they attempted to buy and sell. A number of real-world scenarios ensured the trading world changed and that …

A trip to Le Touquet market practising our French bargaining skills. Lunch on the beach at Le Touquet followed by beach games, digging and building in the sand. For our evening meal we were tempted with frog’s legs and snails – some were very eager to try – others not so! Evening entertainment was a …

Finally a visit to Pozier Cemetry to look at the graves. Back to the Chateau for tea, Olympics and an early night (hopefully!)

Second stop Wellington Quarry. We travelled underground to experience life for the soldiers as they prepared for the Battle of Arras
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