Kingfishers News

A quick reminder that it is Muddy Puddle Day tomorrow (Thursday 16th) for Upper Key Stage Two. The children have already been informed of this. Please can all children come in appropriate non-uniform, including footwear. Also, if you can collect any small branches, twigs or sticks, please bring them in too! Thanks, The UKS2 Team

We have been having a fantastic time (even though the weather has been challenging!) Here are some pictures of what we have done so far…

As a part of Leeds United’s Primary Choices initiative, we were lucky enough to be visited by two colleagues who discussed important issues around the law and anti-social behaviour. This was for children moving from Primary to Secondary. Our children were a credit to Tranmere and joined in with all the activities maturely, whilst asking …

Thank you to those who have been bringing in their dead and used batteries across the past few weeks. So far, we have recycled a total of 2553! A big thank you also to our school council team who have been out recycling the batteries at various recycling points after scores have been totalled in …

The school council have signed us up to join in with Duracell’s big battery hunt. Duracell are encouraging pupils up and down the country to recycle their batteries instead of putting them in landfill to help make our planet greener and cleaner. They’ve set schools a challenge to try and collect and recycle as many …

Happy pancake day! As part of our school council meeting today, we were given a very special treat as a thank you for all of our hard work so far this year. They were delicious!!

Ed and the School Council would like to say a HUGE thank you to Team Tranmere for all of the wonderful donations that have been given for the food bank. Everyone has been so generous and we know that this donation will make a big difference to those in need.

This week is National Storytelling Week. To help celebrate this, the School Council have hosted a storytelling competition. Those who wanted to enter needed to write a story (true or made up) and hand it in to their class councillor. On Friday, the councillors got together to choose a selection of their favourite stories. These …

To begin our topic, we asked the children of ways they express themselves. From the clothes they choose to the books they like to read. Their favourite meal to the music they listen to. We then asked the children to think of a skill they enjoy that they could teach to others. We already knew …

The children have outdone themselves this Tranmere Christmas; the table decorations, the dancing and the festive spirit on show were so great that we wanted to share. (Don’t panic 5/6; we’ve kept the dancing between us!)
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