Herons News

Lovely, leafy science | 15 Oct 2021

KS1 learnt the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees this week and spent some time trying to identify leaves from different trees such as oak, sycamore, beech, hawthorn, elm, horse chestnut, pine and holly. Meeting Dee and Sid, our friendly puppets, helped them to remember the word deciduous, which is a very tricky word! If …

This morning, we continued working on developing our partition skills using a place value chart. We practically split numbers into different combinations of tens and ones using apparatus. Some pupils noticed a pattern and began to mentally partition numbers in lots of different combinations.

Worry Wizard Workshop – Herons | 08 Oct 2021

This week, we were joined by Jane and Sonny to learn about worries. We learnt that it’s ok to have worries and that it’s also great to share our worries with others! We also learnt lots about how to look after ourselves and each other to keep our well-being positive.

Eagles, Skylarks and Herons have been learning about common garden plants this week and looking closely at petals and leaves. Here are a few photos of them in action.

Today, the children learnt strategies for partitioning numbers in different ways. We began by using concrete resources to represent the tens and ones, then started drawing the tens and ones ourself.

We started this half term’s topic ‘Hooray, Let’s Go On Holiday’ with an exciting entry point today. Our outdoor area became a travel agents as the children explored holidays around the world. They took on the roles of the travel agents or customers and booked and arranged holidays. They had to consider the amount of …

National Fitness Day – Herons | 22 Sep 2021

Today is National Fitness Day. Herons took part in the ‘In It For a Minute Challenge’. We enjoyed running, dancing, planking, flying like a bird, jumping, balancing, throwing and catching a ball and hula-hooping!

In today’s maths lesson, we used a variety of concrete resources to build and represent different 2-digit numbers. We identified the number of tens and ones in each number.
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