Falcons News

Ministry of Chocolate | 29 Nov 2022

On Tuesday, Year 3/4 were visited by the Minister of Chocolate. We learnt lots of fascinating facts about chocolate including: its history, where it comes from, the different types, chocolate world records, fair-trade and even how to make our own! Check out the pictures below…

This Friday, as part of water safety awareness, all Year 4 swimmers will need to bring their pyjamas in addition to their usual swimming kit. Thanks,  

Today marks the start of Anti-Bullying week for 2022. To show our support, we have all come to school dressed in odd/crazy socks! In classes, we have discussed that this represents how is it cool for us all to be different, and how we should never be unkind towards others because of their differences. Throughout …

In our meetings so far this half-term, School Council have discussed how they’d like a space pupils can go to, to just ‘chill out’ sometimes. As a group we came up with the idea of running a lunchtime club called ‘Chill out Tuesdays’. Here pupils can read, draw, craft, play chess, chat to their friends …

This week’s task: throw the yellow ball… Part two: your partner must get their ball as close to your ball as possible.

This week school council have been decorating their suggestion boxes! These will be placed in their classes after half-term, ready to be filled with pupil suggestions. Thanks to our year 6 helpers who also helped us decorate these at lunch.

This week’s task: find the pain au chocolat (yes, very Tranmere I know – it was meant to be doughnuts but it’s been a little busy this week in school and who knew Lidl don’t sell multipacks of doughnuts?) You have four questions. Only yes or no answers will be given. You cannot remove any …

Every Friday, Falcons take part in a small Taskmaster challenge to develop their creativity, problem solving and teamworking skills. This week’s task: create the smallest tower with the most pieces. N.B. look up the definition of ‘tower’ and ‘narrow’! Extra task: impress our class governor Mrs Cooper who dropped in for the afternoon!

Today our newly appointed school councillors received their badges in assembly! They were all very excited and proud to show themselves off to the whole school. They also took part in their first school council meeting at lunch time, and have been tasked with their first job of finding a box suitable to turn into …

To celebrate Black History Month, we took part in some fantastic dancing with our new friends from the Ivory Coast. Have a look for yourself and ask us to reenact when we get home!
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