Falcons News

After exploring the history of kites, the three classes, Falcons, Woodpeckers and Red Kites, dedicated a full day to design, create and fly their own kites. To kick off the day, we all gathered in the hall, being welcomed in by ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’ from the film Mary Poppins. We recapped the knowledge …

As part of our RE lessons, Mrs Maan came to school to give a presentation on Sikhism to all of LKS2. The children got to learn more about Sikhism and add to their knowledge already gained from lessons in class this term. They got to ask lots of questions! Avaani did a brilliant job taking …

After running for a term for years 1 and 2, Chess Club started at break time today for years 3 and 4. There were some fantastic games happening this morning! If you’re currently in Red Kites, Woodpeckers or Falcons and would like to come to chess club, it will run in the LKS2 shared area …

In English, we are currently reading the book ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ from the Chronicles of Narnia. We are really enjoying it so far and can’t wait to read some more. In our last lesson, we looked at a WABOLL (What a Bad One Looks Like) of a setting description that was …

Falcons Science – Non-Newtonian Fluids | 08 Feb 2024

Falcons made and explored cornflour goop which is a Non-Newtonion fluid. In other words, it has different properties and behaves differently to other fluids (Newtonian fluids). When you mix cornflour and water together it creates a suspension, sometimes behaving like a solid and sometimes behaving like a liquid and it’s fun to explore, if a …

To start our topic of Perimeter in Maths, we went practical! We learnt all about what perimeter was and how we can work it out for different shapes. First, we drew our own shapes and then calculated their perimeter. We then went round the classroom and measured certain objects to find their perimeter. See for yourself! …

Tranmere would just like to say a HUGE thank you to our school council team who have been incredibly busy this term. You can check out all of their first term projects below. School Council Projects 23-24 We can’t wait to see what the New Year brings the team.  

We investigated the effects of liquids on teeth by testing orange juice, cola, vinegar and water on hard boiled eggs. The composition of the shell of a hard boiled egg is similar to that of the surface of our teeth so we put a hard boiled egg into each of these liquids and left them …

On behalf of School Council and AVSED, we would just like to say a huge thank you to all pupils who contributed to the AVSED Christmas Appeal. All cards, pictures and decorations were collected this by Michelle, who was blown away by our efforts and kindness. Your kind words and creative pictures will certainly make …

Using a plastic bag to represent the stomach and a leg from a pair of tights to represent the intestines, Falcon class learnt about the journey of food through the digestive system. The food journey demonstration went from the mouth right to the other end of the digestive system. It was a fun way to …
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