Falcons News

On Tuesday morning, Falcons had a great time working with the Worry Wizard to learn all about how to get help when we have any worries we might have. We met some different characters and then, in the afternoon, had an assembly all about who we can ask for help in school if we need …

This year we will be sending digital copies of homework (and the answer sheets) out on Google Classroom again. Your child should have brought a paper copy home too. To get on to Google Classrooms for the new academic year, please log in using your child’s existing details and then enter the following class code: …

Woodpeckers, ready? Red Kites, ready? Falcons, ready? This week our year 3s and 4s got stuck in to their new topic, The Romans. They built  shields, assumed their battle positions and headed out for practice, where they were prepped for an upcoming battle with the Celts, by non other than Julius Caesar himself.
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