Falcons News

This week, we’ve been learning all about earthquakes, volcanoes and the infamous ring of fire in our topic lessons. We also managed to squeeze in some time to analyse how volcanoes are depicted in art, and create some of our own. In maths, we’ve been working hard on learning how to multiply by 10. And …

Below are a few snaps of Falcons beginning their ‘Setting Description’ journey. We’ve been reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for inspiration and have now moved onto creating and sharing a bank of words to up-level our descriptive powers!

Falcons spent the morning getting to grips with the concrete, pictorial and abstract elements of multiplication and division.

This afternoon, we finally erupted our volcanoes! Over the course of this term as we begin to learn more about volcanoes, earthquakes and tectonic plates, we will determine what creates bigger and better eruptions. Stay tuned for (hopefully) some much bigger explosions.

Our new topic this term is Planet Earth. In this topic we will learn about volcanoes, earthquakes, tectonic plates, the ring of fire, rivers and the water cycle. To get started, this afternoon we created our own volcanoes. Later this week, we’ll be going outside to watch some of them erupt. Pictures to follow.

We have completed the ‘make’ stage of our DT cooking project. We measured, weighed, chopped, grated (and finely grated), peeled, snipped, tore, boiled, stirred, drained and garnished. We really enjoyed making and tasting the lovely pasta bake.

Y4 Murton Park – Exit Point | 17 Dec 2021

On Tuesday, our year 4s finished off their Roman topic with a trip to Murton Park. We began the day by being recruited by some Roman commanders, who took us to their fort to train us up to become model Roman soldiers. In the morning, we practised our battle positions, javelin throwing, and sword fighting. …

Falcons Science – digestion | 09 Dec 2021

In our class, we have been looking at the digestive system. We labelled an image of our digestive system and discussed how it works. We discussed new vocabulary such as Oesophagus and the small and large Intestines. There was another new word which the class found very funny – why don’t you ask them about …

This morning we have had a fantastic workshop session about cyberbullying and how to get help if we need it. This is only one part of our discussions this week about bullying in general and cyberbullying in particular. Please talk to your children regularly around this as almost all cyberbullying incidents occur at home. If …

As a one off for this week, can children in Falcons please wear their PE kit on Tuesday instead of Monday. There will be no change to swimming days. Thank you, Mr B
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