The school council have signed us up to join in with Duracell’s big battery hunt. Duracell are encouraging pupils up and down the country to recycle their batteries instead of putting them in landfill to help make our planet greener and cleaner. They’ve set schools a challenge to try and collect and recycle as many …

This term our new topic is called Feed Me Please! Throughout the topic we will be finding out where our food comes from, looking at how we can grow our own food, discussing changes around Spring and changes in the weather. Today we started by making our own pancakes. We added different healthy fruits, along …

Happy pancake day! As part of our school council meeting today, we were given a very special treat as a thank you for all of our hard work so far this year. They were delicious!!

As another term comes to an end we have finished our topic about ‘Let’s Pretend by learning a Medieval Dance. We learnt to count and move to the rhythm of the music and even pretended to be kings and queens. We can’t wait to visit Skipton Castle to preform our dance again in a real …

EYFS Puppet Making Workshop | 09 Feb 2023

Lots of parents and other family members attended our puppet making workshop this morning. Our guests were given a brief overview of the EYFS Expressive Arts and Design curriculum and then challenged to release their own inner creativity and make something from a variety of small wooden pieces, matchsticks or lolly sticks! Next, Bluebirds and …

Ed and the School Council would like to say a HUGE thank you to Team Tranmere for all of the wonderful donations that have been given for the food bank. Everyone has been so generous and we know that this donation will make a big difference to those in need.

This week is children’s mental health week, and the theme this year is all about making connections. This afternoon, Woodpeckers, Red Kites, Robins and Bluebirds decided to get together and do just that! They had lots of fun playing and exploring together. They even had a go at creating portraits using the natural materials around …

Bluebirds played along to Rock a Bye Baby on the chime bars. They all played D beautifully!

Today we have celebrated Safer Internet Day.  This year’s theme is Want to Talk About it? We talked about different apps we use and how this leaves a footprint.

Reception – Muddy Puddle Day | 03 Feb 2023

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf…  Reception are certainly not! As part of our Muddy Puddle Day we read the story of The Three Little Pigs. It was great fun playing circle games and singing on the banks. We re-told the story and talked about the different types of materials each house was made …
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