Robins and Bluebirds had a lovely ending to their ‘Transport’ topic. They waited at the bus stop and then visited our ‘library bus’ on our school bikes where they made their own library cards and read books. They also designed book covers, made bookmarks and other book challenges.

This year our school council have been incredibly busy. They’ve held story writing, poetry and design competitions, helped the school save energy and stay tidy, rescued a sea-turtle, made bird feeders, hosted Chill Out Tuesdays, collected for the food bank, recycled thousands of batteries for Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt, met the Mayor of Leeds…and so …

As part of Fieldwork Fortnight, we have been outside exploring the School grounds today. Firstly, we got together with a buddy and looked at our maps. We did a fantastic job of reading these and discovering where we were! After this, we headed outside to explore the different outdoor areas on our map. At each …

The Big Battery Hunt is over! A HUGE well done and thank you to everyone who has contributed to the competition. So many of you have brought in THOUSANDS of dead and used batteries, and so many of you have done a fantastic job of helping us to count and recycle these too. Overall, we …

What an exciting week we’ve had! As part of our topic on Transport, this week we have made our own Tranmere Airline. We have converted our classroom into an airport, made our own boarding passes and passports. Today we also had a very special visit from the local airline ‘Jet2’. We had lots of fun learning …

Thank you to those who have continued to bring in their dead and used batteries over the past few months. We have now collected and recycled just over 15,000 batteries! The competition is about to enter its final week…you have until Friday 30th June to bring in any dead or used batteries that you wish …

Wow! We are so proud of you all – your first ever Sports Day. You did a fab job at taking part and of course we saw some speedy runners in our running races. Well done, Bluebrds and Robins.                                                                               

Please find attached a copy the Knowledge Organisers for this term – English, Math’s  & Topic. Please have a read through and encourage any further learning at home through key vocabulary and questions. Maths Knowledge Organiser – Summer 2 English Knowledge Organiser – Summer 2 Copy of Knowledge Organiser – Tremendous Transport  

What at start to our new topic. Today we took part in a Bikeability workshop to develop our bike skills. The session helped us to improve our core skills of balance and gross motor control to perfect riding a bike using specialist balance bikes. Take a look at the pictures and watch us go!!!!  

Yorkshire Wildlife Park! | 23 May 2023

What an amazing day we have had. We are so proud of all the children. They were very excited and we saw plenty of animals, along with finding out lots of interesting facts. Enjoy the photos!             
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