Eagles News

As part of our local history unit, the children learnt about the history of Harry Ramsden’s fish and chip shop. Did you know that? -The business started in 1928 (almost 100 years ago!) and operated from a wooden hut (situated in the car park) -He opened his first restaurant in 1931. Harry Ramsden’s nephew Harry …

As part of our work on division, the children have been learning how to make equal groups. Today, the children used practical apparatus to group objects and calculate the answers to simple division calculations.

Today, the children have been exploring and building their own arrays. They used a range of concrete apparatus to create the rows and columns that make up an array. This practical maths will help to deepen our understanding of arrays before we move onto pictorial representations tomorrow.  

Thank you to those who have continued to bring in their dead and used batteries over the past few months. We have now collected and recycled just over 15,000 batteries! The competition is about to enter its final week…you have until Friday 30th June to bring in any dead or used batteries that you wish …

Today marked the end of our famous nurses topic and what a day it has been! The children have thoroughly enjoyed ‘Nurses Training School’ and have amazed us with their fantastic costumes and enthusiasm. In the morning, we completed a range of first aid sessions with the children (essential for nurse training), identifying the key …

Over the last half term, the children have been learning about 3 famous nurses – Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell. Today’s lesson started with a knowledge summary quiz, where the children interacted with their peers to find answers to a range of questions about these famous women. The children then summarised their learning …

In topic, Eagles have been learning all about Mary Seacole. In the first lesson, we watched a video about Mary’s life and wrote about what we had learnt. In this lesson, we went outside into the playground and placed events in Mary Seacole’s life onto a timeline in chronological order.

Maths in Eagles | 12 May 2023

In Maths this week, Eagles have been looking at doubles and near doubles within 20. They confidently added spots to their ladybirds or selected Numicon to represent all of the doubles to 20. Eagles then used their knowledge of doubles to help them calculate near doubles like 7+8.

As part of our work on addition, Eagles class have been learning about doubles. Some children used Numicon to explore this concept whilst others calculated missing numbers from doubles calculations. Here are some photos of us working!

As part of our work on addition, the children applied their skills to a problem solving game called ‘Strike it Out.’ The children had to write addition calculations to 20, crossing out each of the numbers they used. Whilst writing many addition calculations, the children used a broad range of numbers. The challenge was to …
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