Author Archives: wrightr

As part of our topic work, the children have been learning different strengthening techniques in order to make their towers stronger. Today, the children rotated around the three classrooms, completing different activities. They learnt that triangles are stronger than squares and that diagonal struts add additional support. They also rolled paper to add strength and …

Yesterday, Eagles class took part in a fun and engaging orienteering workshop. The children began by using simple maps to identify images hidden on cones. They had to remember to always orientate the map to North in order to find the correct pictures. Once we had the hang of this, the children completed an orienteering …

Our topic this half term is ‘Structures.’ As our entry point, the children were put into small groups and allocated endless amounts of newspaper and masking tape. Their mission – to create a freestanding tower! The children worked well in their groups, utilising a range of strategies and ideas to build their structure. Some towers …

In Eagles, we have been investigating the number 20. As part of our practical investigation, the children had to recognise the place value of each number, represent 20 in different ways using a variety of practical equipment, identify numbers greater than/ less than 20 and write their own number stories. Some children worked outside, exploring …

Today, Eagles class have been investigating structures from around the world. They worked in groups to try to identify the type of structure, what it was made from and most importantly what made it stable!The children came up with some brilliant ideas and noticed that for many structures, the base is wider than the top, …

As part of our science learning, KS1 have had some very special visitors over the last few weeks. We received some eggs last week which we have seen hatch, and now we have some very excitable and noisy chicks in our classroom! The children have really enjoyed witnessing the first few stages of this life …

In Early Years this week, we have been learning about Chinese New Year. Today in PE, the children took part in a ‘Lion Dance.’ The Lion Dance is meant to send away bad luck and bring lots of good luck for the New Year ahead. We all learnt the dance before creating our own Chinese …

Yesterday KS1 had a very special delivery! 20 eggs were delivered to us in an incubator with news that they would soon be hatching! This morning we had 2 chicks and by the end of the day we had a whopping 7! The children are so eggcited about their arrival and can’t wait for cuddles …

Eagles Practical Maths – Understanding ‘teen’ numbers | 21 Feb 2024

In Maths today, the children have been focusing on the numbers 14, 15 and 16. We have been recognising the place value of each digit in these numbers and have been representing them in various ways.

Today KS1 had a fantastic combined Muddy Puddles Day/Exit Point, concluding our topic of ‘Time Travellers.’ The children have absolutely loved this topic so it was lovely to finish with such a practical activity that summed up our learning this half term. Today, Alfresco Learning delivered our wonderfully engaging workshop. The children had ‘hands on’ …
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