Author Archives: Miss Taylor

On Friday, it was Penguin Awareness Day – a time to celebrate our black and white feathered friends! In Herons class, we learnt new facts about penguins and how we can protect penguins. We finished off our learning by drawing our very own penguins!

On Friday, we compared the suitability of different everyday materials. Each group were given a description of an object and they had to work together to decide which material would be the most suitable to use. Each group explained their reasoning to the rest of the class, including mentioning the properties that the material has …

Today saw the big finale… the moment that Herons class got to enjoy their wonderful small world areas that they worked hard to create. The children thought carefully about which vehicles should appear in each area of their mat (rail, road, air and sea transport) and had great fun interacting with their creations. What a …

Herons – Sam the Sea Turtle | 19 Jan 2023

We have had a special visitor in Herons class this week. Introducing… Sam the Sea Turtle! We found out that our school are looking after him and keeping him safe. We managed to sneak in some cuddles with Sam. We learned that there are lots of animals in our oceans who are suffering because of …

In Maths, Herons have been learning how to add and subtract 1s. First, they worked in groups of 4 to add and subtract 3 1-digit numbers and represent this in different pictorial representations. Afterwards, in pairs, they played roll the dice to add together 3 1-digit numbers they had rolled to find the total. The …

In KS1, we have been designing and making our own toy cars. The purpose was to design and make a functional and appealing toy car which would carry a Lego figure. Our toy cars had to have a chassis, four wheels, two axles and a body. We used card, sellotape, glue, paper, cardboard or wooden …

Yesterday, the children in KS1 had a fabulous time partying in the hall with their friends. We played four corners, musical statues, pass the parcel and even had time to practise our dance moves to some Christmas music. Afterwards, the children spent time chatting to their friends while enjoying some delicious snacks! Merry Christmas KS1. …

Today in Herons, we investigated which material would be best for Ted’s umbrella. We made a prediction before starting the investigation by choosing if plastic, felt, paper or tin foil would be best. We then tested the four materials by dropping a small amount of water onto each one. Afterwards, we discussed our findings and …

Look how excited Herons were about wearing Christmas jumpers!

This term our topic has been ‘Toys’. As part of this unit, the children have learnt about old and new toys and how toys have changed over the years. As our exit point, we went on a trip to Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall, where the children were given the opportunity first hand to explore …
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