Author Archives: Miss Taylor

Woodpecker Class had a fantastic day for their local history exit point. They arrived at school dressed as WWII children or in their best VE day party clothes. They participates in various activities including: Designing their own bunting, flags and Propaganda posters which they used to decorate their tables ready for our VE day ‘street’ …

Woodpecker class tried a variety of different chocolate whilst blindfolded. They had to guess the chocolate and use descriptive vocabulary to describe the taste, smell and feel of the chocolate. We created an exciting word bank as a class for the class to magpie ideas from in our Topic and English lessons. Some of the …

Woodpecker class enjoyed finishing their Rainforest topic by making their own paper cup and chopping a fresh, fruit salad to go inside. We watched a video which gave a clear tutorial on how to make a paper cup. We designed and decorated our cups to make them look even better! After discussing a ‘bridge’ and …

For our (rearranged) muddy puddle day, Woodpecker class were put into 5 different groups. Each group was given a picture of a Rainforest animal, which they were told they would be recreating using materials they collected outside. We used a wheelbarrow to collect all of the nature we wanted to use for our artwork. Ask …

Woodpecker’s Muddy Puddle Day has been rearranged from last half term and will now be on Friday 6th November. Please can children come to school in appropriate clothing. Wellingtons and raincoats may be needed. Miss Taylor

Welcome to Woodpecker’s class page. It has been so lovely welcoming the children back to school and I am super proud of how quickly they have got back into the swing of things.  Our topic for this half term is ‘The Rainforest’. For our entry point, we discussed who may live in rainforest, why rainforest tribes paint …
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