Author Archives: tates

We had a fun afternoon practising and then performing our presentations on “What Britain Means to Me” for the Entry Point to our new topic. We had some interesting interpretations and excellent acting skills. Lots of references to : fish and chips, full English breakfasts, the Royal Family and of course the brilliant British weather!

To finish our topic on Light, UKS2 learnt how to create a periscope. This involved understanding the science behind reflected light and how this knowledge can be utilised.

A good day has been had by all at Eden Camp. We have been able to consolidate our learning of World War Two by visiting different huts based on different elements of the war eg rationing, human torpedoes, women at war etc. The Blitz Experience was a particular success and gave the children a real …

We have had a couple of fun afternoons with Puffins and Doves putting on a fashion show – mainly in French! There were some weird outfits but all the children had a go at describing what they were wearing and giving an opinion. A great way to end our clothes topic.

Today, the Doves classroom looked a little different; it was blacked out, the tables were arranged in a chaotic juxtaposition and booby traps (trip wires and pressure pads) were set out for the children to try and avoid. This brought our electricty topic to a close. Next up, light.

To kick off our topic , the children all brought in their own evacuee bag containing six items they would take if they had to leave their house suddenly to be evacuated – we had some very interesting items including tins of tuna and pack of tea lights! We then looked at the items which …

Architecture and Engineering skills were put to the test this week as we planned, designed and constructed our own Mayan temples to scale. Computer lessons were used to digitally design the temples and then we worked in small groups to practise our sawing skills – first time with a saw for many and no fingers …

Years 5 and 6 spent an enjoyable morning at the Sikh Gurdwara in Bradford where they could not have received a warmer welcome from the Sikh volunteers. It was a privilege to visit the serene prayer hall and listen to the priest reciting from the holy scriptures and this was followed by an informative talk …

Exercise and our body | 16 Nov 2023

In Science, we have challenged the children to see how regular exercise affects their mood, self-esteem, sleep and health. Today, we modelled a basic circuit that could be completed in the home (sit ups, press ups, burpees, plank, bear crawls and step ups). The children have recorded their baseline figures and are going to retest …

Following a half term of learning hockey skills in PE, Doves were able to practise these skills in front of the hockey coach from Ben Rhyding hockey club. Alex, the coach, was very impressed and we managed to get through the session with only one bruised ankle! Well done Doves – you behaved really maturely …
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