Author Archives: savagerj01

Today our year 6s took part in Leeds United Foundation Primary Choices workshop. They discussed positive and negative choices, used role play and freeze frame to act out certain scenarios and learnt what the Leeds United Manager says to the team before each match. Ask your children what messages they have learnt from today’s session.

This afternoon we all enjoyed making jam tarts. We learnt how pastry is made by rubbing butter into flour and rubbing it carefully with our finger tips to create the breadcrumb appearance. We kneaded the pastry on a floured surface and chilled in the fridge. Other techniques we needed to demonstrate were cutting and rolling …

Kingfishers Eden Camp visit. EXIT POINT. | 09 Mar 2022

Today we enjoyed learning all about World War II. The children really immersed themselves in the day by planning their own route around the Camp. Huts visited included The Rise of Hitler, Home Front, The Street, Bomber Ops, Prisoner of War, Provisions, AFS & Bevin Boys and Forces Reunion. There was also a visit to …

In PSHE we have been celebrating LGBT+ History Month. We have been studying inspirational LGBT+ artists such as Keith Haring and Doris Hatt. We took ideas from their amazing art and we have all had a go at designing an LGBT+ badge for a competition to create next year’s winning badge. Here are some of …

Within our dance topic this half term, we have looked at performing a non locomotor movement using Bollywood actions to complete a dance phrase. The children learnt Bangra Shoulders, Changing the Lightbulbs, Hands on Hips, Round The World as well as interpreting the music in their own individual style! As promised, I said I would …

As promised, part 2 of our entry point. Today we looked through a suitcase from 1942. We discussed the significance of each item included. We had a teddy, selection of games (marbles, cards, wooden dominoes, Scrabble) chocolate, newspaper, ration books, wooden jumper, gas mask and even a letter informing the parents of what their evacuee …

This afternoon we shared the memory boxes that Kingfishers had been collecting over the Christmas holidays. Kingfishers filled (and decorated) their boxes with objects that explain all about themselves as well as summarising the year of 2021. The children took it in turns to explain the items in their box and why they included them. …

As promised, the final images. We are all very proud of our creations.

To conclude our topic, investigating The Mayans, we have designed, created and evaluated our own pyramid and landscape. It wasn’t easy. As we have found out, The Mayan’s were a very intelligent civilisation and created beautiful pyramids with minimal technology. We had to measure accurately each level of the pyramid to ensure each level would …

This afternoon we have had a fantastic workshop session about the different types of bullying. We have used role play and freeze frame to demonstrate we understand what bullying is and how we can STOP it as well as offer advice to others. We also learnt about cyberbullying. Please talk to your children regularly around …
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