Author Archives: savagerj01

Winners of the survival challenge.

Throughout our topic, we have been discussing ways in which we can express ourselves: how we dress, music/sports we enjoy, creative activities that relax us. Our final task was to design and create a pencil case using blanket, back, whip and running stitch – the greatest challenge we faced (apart from threading the needle) was …

Take a look at our fabulous art. We have been discussing how artists express themselves through art – the colours, shapes they use, subject matter and research about their final art piece.. We looked at La Femme Qui Pleure by Pablo Picasso, Images of War by Paul Nash, The Scream by Edvard Munch, Cosmic Girl …

To begin our topic, we asked the children of ways they express themselves. From the clothes they choose to the books they like to read. Their favourite meal to the music they listen to. We then asked the children to think of a skill they enjoy that they could teach to others. We already knew …

What makes a good performance? We have been studying how poetry is written for performance and the techniques writers use like rhythm, repetition, personification, metaphors, similes, onomatopoeia, facial and body expressions. We read and looked at poems by Michael Rosen, Roger McGough and Roald Dahl. Our challenge was to use a traditional nursery rhyme and …

For our topic exit point we enjoyed visiting Jorvik to discover the sights, sounds and smells of the Viking Age. We also visited The DIG which gave the children a hands-on experience of being an archaeologist by digging for evidence in the digging pits and putting their enquiry skills to the test. There were many …

Understanding how the Media can be misleading and looking at how Social Media does not always reflect reality. We played a Social Media play dough game. One person made a model out of play dough and covered it with a cloth so that the rest of the class couldn’t see. The class formed a line …

For our PE warm up we had the challenge of representing Roman Numerals using our bodies. We were surprised how many different positions we could think of to represent each Roman Numerals. We worked individually and with small groups. Can you guess which numbers we were representing?

In RE we have been learning about Sikhism. As part of our lesson we looked at the importance of mindfulness and meditation during prayer. We had a go at a ‘stilling’ exercise. We closed our eyes and listened to relaxing music, whilst trying to clear our minds. We were amazed by how relaxed and peaceful …

For our entry point we looked at historical images from periods of history. The children had to search for clues to decide what the picture was showing. They had to place the dates and sort in chronological order on a timeline. The children really enjoyed working in groups, sharing and discussing the prior knowledge that …
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