Author Archives: marsdenv

Reception are due back from The Deep at 4pm | 16 May 2016

We’re on our way back after a fantastic day… we should be with you by 4pm. We have lots to tell you!

Bluebirds’ and Robins’ big day out! | 16 May 2016

We’re off on our adventure with some VERY excited children… See you when we get back. We’re aiming for 3.45pm but will try and let you know if that changes.

Reception exit point letter and egg boxes | 11 May 2016

I hope that all Reception families received a letter about the exit point yesterday… if not, please see your child’s class teacher. On a completely different note… if you have any egg boxes, shoe boxes (or smaller) that you do not need, could you please send them into school for a project?  I am trying …

Bluebirds’ and Robins’ visit to the ‘seaside’ | 14 Apr 2016

Reception had an entry point for their brand new topic of ‘Treasure, sand and water’ where they pretended to go to the beach!  We had great fun building sandcastles, swimming and even eating ice-creams!

Bluebirds and Robins memo error | 11 Apr 2016

Hi everyone, Please accept my apologies – on the memo in book bags tonight I stated the ‘old’ page that the homework grid was saved on the website… it is actually under the ‘Parents’ then ‘Parent bulletins’ tabs.  If you have any problems finding it, please speak to a member of reception staff. Sorry once …

Egg-cellent adventures! | 19 Mar 2016

We can’t wait to see your entries on Tuesday for our annual ‘Decorated Egg’ competition. Last year there were some egg-citing sights to be seen that really made us crack up, so get your creativity flowing!  Remember it’s 30p to enter and only one entry per child. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! Please remember that this competition …

Superstar Bluebirds! | 08 Jan 2016

Miss Marsden is going home tonight a very proud and delighted teacher… all of the children have worked so hard during their first week back. Each has written a cafe menu for the role play area – and the results are just fantastic, with lovely handwriting and super attempts at sounding out.  Well done to …

Reception nativity and party photographs! | 14 Dec 2015

Please see the class pages for some photographs of our Christmas nativity and party.

Sports day tomorrow! | 20 May 2015

As you know tomorrow is sports day.  Please remember to bring your outdoor trainers as the banks can be a little slippy. KS1 and Reception – 9.45 am start. KS2 – 1.30pm start. We look forward to seeing you there. On your marks…get set…GO!

Maths and Science Challenge Day! | 02 Apr 2015

Today we held a Science and Maths challenge day where a ‘Mad Professor’ from Sublime Science came in and showed the children many different scientific concepts and exciting experiments.  Children got the opportunity to make sticky slime too! In the afternoon, children tried to solve several maths problems involving ‘thinking outside the box’ and trial …
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