Author Archives: Miss Ingram

UKS2 Homework W/C 20.11

Stage 6 Check 5 Answers Stage 5 Check 5 Answers Year 5 Reading Assessment Marking Scheme – Poetry Year 6 Reading Assessment Marking Scheme – Poetry

Today in Puffins, we have been learning all about square numbers. After defining and identifying our square numbers up to 12×12, we had a go at playing the rapid square number recall game with our buddies.

Today in Puffins, we built upon our previous learning from yesterday’s session by discovering what common multiples and factors are. We then had a go at showing these through using Venn Diagrams.

This morning we were lucky enough to take part in a hockey workshop with Alex, from Ben Rhydding Hockey Club. We had lots of fun showing off our dribbling, stopping and passing skills!

Today in Puffins we have been learning about multiples and factors. After defining and understanding the meaning of both these terms, we put our knowledge into practise through playing various multiple and factors games with our buddies.

UKS2 Homework W/C 13.11

1. Christmas Poems This week as part of their homework, the children have been asked to write a Christmas poem. A small selection of these poems will be chosen to be read aloud during the 5/6 Christmas performance at the church. Poem Example: POEM EXAMPLE 2. Grammar Hammer Stage 5 Check 4 – Answers Stage 6 …

This morning we were lucky enough to take part in a ballet workshop with Mr Edgar from Northern Ballet. We learnt some fantastic new moves and routines, and also saw how the key skills learnt and built on in ballet can help in a number of other sports and activities.

To kick off our new slam poetry unit, we have been practising performing the poem ‘Strict’ by Michael Rosen. To begin with, we learnt the 5 key steps to success when performing poetry. Then, we used these to explore how Michael Rosen’s poem could be performed. Finally, we worked together in groups to practise reading …

UKS2 Homework W/C 6.11

Stage 5 Check 5 Answers Stage 6 Check 5 Answers Y5 ENGLISH ANS Y6 ENGLISH ANS  

Our School Council has been asked by AVSED (a local loneliness charity) to help them with their Christmas appeal this year! They would love for as many children as possible to create flat Christmas cards, pictures and decorations, that include a nice little message. AVSED will post these out with their Christmas newsletter. To support …
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