Author Archives: Miss Ingram

UKS2 Homework W/C 26.2.24

Y6 – Again this week, Y6 have been asked to complete specific SATS booster questions. Y5 Maths – Stage 5 Check 9 Answers Y5 English – Sir Isaac Newton Reading Comp 3Star

After running for a term for years 1 and 2, Chess Club started at break time today for years 3 and 4. There were some fantastic games happening this morning! If you’re currently in Red Kites, Woodpeckers or Falcons and would like to come to chess club, it will run in the LKS2 shared area …

This week in Puffins, we have started our new Maths unit – Decimals. Before we begin our Year 5 learning, we have spent some time today re-capping our previous knowledge from years 3 and 4. To begin with, we discussed what decimals are and where we might see them / use them in everyday life. …

UKS2 HW W/C 19.2.24

Topic – We are continuing with our WW2 Topic this Half-Term therefore, the Topic homework grid remains the same. This can be found on your child’s class page under ‘This Half-Term’s Homework and Knowledge Organisers.’ Y6 – Again this week, Y6 have been asked to complete specific SATS booster questions. Y5 Maths (Questions and Answers)- Multiplying and …

Today in Puffins, we have had a go at creating our own reading comprehension questions based on chapters 9 and 10 of Tribes. Firstly, we read the chapters and discussed some example retrieval, inference and choice style questions. Here we had some great discussion around the features of each question and how we would use …

5/6 HW W/C 5.2.24

Y6 Again this week, Y6 have been asked to complete specific SATS booster questions. Y5 Maths: Stage 5 Check 8 Answers Children’s Mental Health Week: As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, pupils have been given a kindness mindfulness mat to complete. Attached here is a copy – Kindness Mat

5/6 Homework W/C 29.1.24

Y6 – Again this week, Y6 have been asked to complete specific SATS booster questions.   Y5 – Skill Check 5 ANS Fractions ANS

Today in Puffins, we have been creating choropleth maps that show the casualties of both the Allies and Axis countries from WW2. To begin with, we had a look at various choropleth maps that told us about the population density and wealth of the UK. This enabled us to understand how they work and what …

This morning, Puffins took part in an interactive Spaceship Earth Show presented by The STEM Hub. The children saw what it would be like to be launched into our solar system and what we use satellites for.

This morning in Puffins, we have spent some time looking at the key vocabulary that we will be using within our WW2 topic. We had great fun matching each word to its definition and discussing examples of each.
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