Author Archives: Miss Ingram

After a successful term of running ‘Chill Out Tuesday’ for KS2 children, School Council have now swapped their club to allow Reception and KS1 children to attend. So far, it’s been very popular! The children have loved mixing with each other through playing board games, building models, reading, drawing, crafting and dancing (thanks to DJ …

This week in Woodpeckers, we’ve had lots of fun celebrating British Science Week. The theme this year is ‘connections’ which we’ve explored through the book ‘ The Most Important Animal of All’. This book introduces children to the concept of ecosystems, demonstrating just how important the connections between organisms are in keeping our planet running …

As part of our ‘Rocks’ topic in science, we have been learning about how fossils are formed and found in sedimentary rock. Today, we had a go at making our own using bread (sediment / sedimentary rock) sweets (dead organisms) and dictionaries (pressure / gravitational pull).

Woodpeckers would like to say a HUGE thank you to the PTA for kitting out our classroom with some beanbags for our reading area, and some new board games for us to use during wet play. We absolutely love them!  

After our archeological dig last week, we were keen to learn more about food facts from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Ages. This afternoon, we have worked in pairs to research more information about this subject then, shared our findings with each other through the ‘Chocolate bar’ activity.

This morning in Woodpeckers, our class school councillors delivered a mini class assembly to us all about International Women’s Day. We discussed what this day is and why it is so important that we celebrate it. When then worked with our buddies to answer some important questions about it. Finally, we found out about some …

As part of World Book Day today, 3/4 and Reception have buddied up to read, share stories and draw/colour their favourite book characters.

Thank you to those who have been bringing in their dead and used batteries across the past few weeks. So far, we have recycled a total of 2553! A big thank you also to our school council team who have been out recycling the batteries at various recycling points after scores have been totalled in …

Currently in Woodpeckers, we are learning all about poetry. We’ve been studying Brian Moses’ ‘Walking with my Iguana’ poem very closely and today, got together to write our own version. To begin with, we deconstructed the poem, looking at the different features (rhyming schemes, repetition and rhythm) and content. We then mind-mapped some of our …

In Woodpeckers today, we have started our new maths unit, length, perimeter and area. To kick off our learning, we have completed a practical measuring session using rulers, measuring tapes, metre sticks and trundle wheels. To begin with, we got together in pairs and measured a range of objects in the classroom using our rulers. …
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