Author Archives: Miss Ingram

Thank you to those who have continued to bring in their dead and used batteries over the past few months. We have now collected and recycled just over 15,000 batteries! The competition is about to enter its final week…you have until Friday 30th June to bring in any dead or used batteries that you wish …

Today in Woodpeckers, Year 3 had some very special teachers showing them how to subtract Mass. Our year 4s did an amazing job of making sure the year 3s took the right steps in order to get to the answer. Year 3 also impressed them with their knowledge of the relationship between grams and kilograms, …

Woodpeckers and their families have had a fantastic morning at their drop-in. We’ve looked through books, had a tour round the classroom and most importantly, determined whether Athens or Sparta is the superior city state of Ancient Greece, by competing in the Peloponnesian War (part 2). Thanks to all who visited and got stuck with …

Today in Woodpeckers, Year 3 took a trip to the zoo to complete their next maths lesson! They used the animals latest weight measurements to practise adding different weights. Some of the animals were VERY heavy, so they had to think carefully about adding using both kilograms and grams and converting these if necessary.

As part of our next forces and magnets lesson, we have been learning about magnetic poles. In this lesson we investigated the different poles on a magnet (North and South) and how they behave when they are brought together (attract and repel). We then used some of our marked magnets to see if we could …

Today in maths, year 3 have been comparing and ordering the weight of different objects. To begin with, they recapped their previous learning and had another go at weighing different objects using non-electric scales. Once complete, they then started to compare the weights of these objects, deciding which were heavier or lighter than others, or, …

Today in Woodpeckers, year 3 started their new Maths unit, Mass and Capacity. In today’s lesson, they explored using scales to measure different objects. They discovered the difference between electric and non-electric scales, and learned that they had to be careful when reading non-electric scales, as their dials weren’t always the same. Some of our …

This morning in Woodpeckers, we took on the challenge of deciding whether we would have wanted to live in Athens or Sparta during the Ancient Greek Period. To start with, we looked at how Ancient Greece was divided up into city states and discovered that each state had their own ways of living and governing …

Today in Woodpeckers, Y4 started their new maths unit, decimals. They used their first session to find out what decimals are, how they can be represented and how they can be partitioned. They then finished off their session by putting decimals into real-life context through measuring with their rulers.

Today in Topic, we have been learning all about how Ancient Greek discoveries and inventions have influenced the modern world. To begin with, we looked at some of the wider discoveries the Greeks made in science, maths, philosophy, sport, the arts and democracy. Then, we looked into some specific inventions. Here we took part in …
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