Author Archives: hollandc

For our Scavengers and Settlers topic exit point we made Stone Age style clay pinch pots. We had to roll a ball, make a ‘belly button’, use ‘quacking’ hands to create the edges, smooth it out and (if there was time!) decorate it. It really tested our dexterity but great fun was had by all. …

Red Kites – Chocolate Entry Point | 13 Nov 2020

It’s not bad when you get to eat chocolate as part of your learning! That’s what Red Kites did this afternoon. They tried five different types of chocolate, blindfolded and used some amazing vocabulary to describe them e.g. bitter, rich, luxurious, and creamy. Next they heard the story of Hernan Cortes who invaded the Yucatan Peninsula …

Red Kites discovered why Rainforest Tribes paint their faces. It’s to incite fear, in other words to scare people away. They made their own rainforest masks after looking carefully at photographs of tribal face paint and creating their own design. I think they are marvellous!

Art and RE Challenge Day | 13 Jul 2018

We were lucky enough to have Liam Durkin, a recent first class digital art graduate, in school today. He helped the children to produce a stop motion film about flowers as religious symbols. They practised drawing roses, lilies and lotus flowers on paper and on computer software before transferring their skills to a wacom tablet, …

French Challenge Day | 12 Jul 2018

Bonjour! We had a fantastic time this morning on our French Challenge Day. We learned how to play petanque and had a mini tournament. We tasted French cheeses; camenbert, brie, chevre and port salut and voted for our favourites. We also had croissants and lemon tarts which went down very well! We played French Twister …

Art Appeal – Recyclable Materials | 23 Mar 2018

We are taking part in ASLP Art Exhibition on 19th and 20th June. (More information to follow). The theme is re cycling and we will be needing lots of recyclable materials (plenty of plastic – other materials welcome!) in many different colours to create our works of art! Please send your recyclable materials in to …
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