Author Archives: hollandc

Skylarks predicted how many drops of water they thought would fit on a penny. Their guesses were between 7 and 9 drops. They then carried out an experiment using a pipette to put drops of water onto a penny. They were quite surprised by their results! would fit on a penny and

Skylarks looked at non – fiction books today and tried to find the features of non-chronological reports. They discovered, titles, sub-titles, contents pages, glossaries, diagrams, photographs and more. They listened to a song to help them remember the features. A song always helps!

Cool Clay in Skylarks – Part 2 | 02 May 2024

After leaving our clay pots to dry, it was time to paint them. We decided which secondary colour we would like them to be (green, orange or purple) and mixed primary colours to created these colours. We painted our dipping pots and can’t wait to use them! They look great!

Cool Clay in Skylarks | 30 Apr 2024

Skylarks used clay to create their own dipping bowls. They rolled and coiled the clay and used slip and smoothing tools to attach the coils together. When they are dry they will mix primary colours to create secondary colours to paint them. The pots have already received lots of admiring glances from members of staff. …

Red Kites Science – Heating and Cooling | 01 Mar 2024

Red Kites carried out an experiment to find out what temperature chocolate melts at. They worked in small groups, allocating roles to each other, measuring temperatures and the times it took for chocolate to melt in water of different temperatures. They eventually discovered that chocolate melts at 25 degrees Celsius, which is how it feels …

Falcons carried out an experiment to try to find out what temperature chocolate melts at. They worked in small groups, allocating roles to each other and measuring temperatures and times it took for chocolate to melt in water of different temperatures. They eventually discovered that chocolate melts at 25 degrees Celsius, which is how it …

Red Kites explored cornflour goop which is a Non-Newtonian Fluid. In other words, it has different properties and behaves differently to other fluids (Newtonian fluids). When you mix cornflour and water together it creates a suspension, sometimes behaving like a solid and sometimes behaving like a liquid and it’s fun to explore, if a little …

Falcons Science – Non-Newtonian Fluids | 08 Feb 2024

Falcons made and explored cornflour goop which is a Non-Newtonion fluid. In other words, it has different properties and behaves differently to other fluids (Newtonian fluids). When you mix cornflour and water together it creates a suspension, sometimes behaving like a solid and sometimes behaving like a liquid and it’s fun to explore, if a …

EYFS Exit Point – A Celebration of Castles | 07 Feb 2024

Robins and Bluebirds looked amazing today! They çame dressed up as kings, queens, princes, princessses, knights and dragons for our very special celebration of castles. We had a fantastic day taking part in a rotation of activities which included learning a medieval dance, making crowns, building a castle outside and listening to and acting out …

Red Kites – Entry Point | 25 Jan 2024

Red Kites experienced a ‘slow volcano eruption’ in the classroom. It was the entry point activity for their new Planet Earth topic and got them thinking about what causes the eruptions and what is actually happening when they occur.
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