Author Archives: gomersallh

UKS2 Homework – w/c 3rd October

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. Maths Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 3 Answers Maths Year 6 Answers –  Stage 6 Check 3 Answers English Year 5 and Year 6 Answers – Types of Sentences Answer Sheet – Please also continue to do weekly reading (at least twice a week), practise your spellings …

In RE this half-term, we have been thinking about what people value and how this can differ. Certain religions value different things but even if you are not religious, everyone has values that they feel are important to them. We played a game where we discussed the different values in our life and ranked them …

It was a strange day in Puffins! We received a message from an Ancient Roman woman asking for our help. Someone had stolen something from her and it was our job to work out who the culprit was! We needed to use our amazing Roman Numeral knowledge to decode clues. Of course, we were able …

UKS2 Homework – w/c 26/09

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. English Year 5 Answers –Stage 5 Check 2 – Answers English Year 6 Answers –  Stage 6 Check 2 – Answers Maths Year 5 and Year 6 Answers – Year 5 and 6 Answers Please also continue to do weekly reading (at least twice a week), practise …

To celebrate the European Day of Languages, we discussed various different countries and languages. We tried learning some different languages and then we each were assigned a different country in Europe. We used Ipads and atlases to research our country and then presented these to the rest of the class. Have a look at our …

UKS2 Homework – w/c 19/09

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. Maths Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 2 Answers Maths Year 6 Answers – Stage 6 Check 2 Answers English Year 5 and Year 6 Answers – Year 5 and 6 English Answers Year 5 need to look at the Expected answers. Year 6 need to look at …

UKS2 Homework – 12/9/22

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. Maths Year 6 Answers – Stage 6 Check 1 Answers Maths Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 1 Answers English Year 6 Answers – Stage 6 Check 1 – Answers English Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 1 – Answers Please also continue to do weekly reading (at …

As our Entry Point for our new topic, we created a physical timeline. As our topic is History based this term, we looked back at other periods of time that we’ve learnt throughout our time at Tranmere Park and placed some key events on a timeline. We then added in some Anglo Saxon and Viking …

To introduce our new reading book, Puffins took part in a silent debate (yes, we were able to be silent!!). We had little jigsaw pieces of the front cover and had to use these to predict what we thought the story might be about. We came up with some fantastic predictions and were able to …

Please find attached the Knowledge Organisers for English, Maths and Topic. Also, please find the Homework Grid for our topic this term, Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Please complete a minimum of two pieces. Homework Grid – Anglo-Saxon & Vikings Knowledge Organiser – Anglo Saxons and the Vikings English Knowledge Organiser Classic Fiction UKS2 Maths Knowledge …
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