Author Archives: gomersallh

At the moment, we are continuing to read our class Reading book, Cogheart. We are loving it and in the words of some of the children, it’s starting to get ‘juicy’. Today, we read part of Chapter 13 before Miss Gomersall cruelly left it on a real cliff-hanger. From this, we then acted out our …

UKS2 Homework – w/c 05/12

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. Maths Year 5 Answers –  Stage 5 Check 8 Answers Maths Year 6 Answers –  Stage 6 Check 8 Answers For your other homework this week, please complete the Santa Invention sheet that has been sent home. The challenge is to invent something that will help out Santa at …

UKS2 Homework – w/c 21/11

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. Maths Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 7 Answers Maths Year 6 Answers –  Stage 6 Check 7 Answers For your other homework this week, we would like you to continue to learn the words for the songs for our Christmas concert. The sheets have been handed …

In English, we have been learning all about performance poetry, particularly in relation to fairy tales. We had a look at some examples and watched some poems being performed as well, we loved Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. We then talked through all the different techniques that are used within these types of poems, particularly the …

UKS2 Homework – w/c 14/11

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. English Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 6 – Answers English Year 6 Answers –  Stage 6 Check 6 – Answers For your other homework this week, we would like you to learn the words for the songs for our Christmas concert. The sheets have been …

Today, we had our fantastic Puffins Class Drop In. It was absolutely amazing to welcome parents back into the classroom and get to show off all our hard work that we have been doing. We were able to show them our books and talk through our work together. We also challenged them to help us …

UKS2 Homework – w/c 31st October

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. Maths Year 5 Answers –  Stage 5 Check 4 Answers Maths Year 6 Answers –  Stage 6 Check 4 Answers English Year 5 Answers – Stage 5 Check 5 – Answers English Year 6 Answers – Stage 6 Check 5 – Answers Please also continue to do weekly reading (at …

As part of our Anglo Saxons topic this term, we have been learning about the mystery of Sutton Hoo. Today, we have become real life archaeologists. Firstly, we went out onto the banks and had to find artefacts that were hidden. Once we had found these, we had to write what we thought these artefacts …

UKS2 Homework – w/c 10th October

Please find attached the answers for this week’s homework. The Maths homework this week is an Arithmetic test, please do not spend more than 40 minutes on this. The sheets are based on the previous year’s curriculum so your child should be able to answer all of the questions asked. If there are any questions …

To celebrate Black History Month, we took part in some fantastic dancing with our new friends from the Ivory Coast. Have a look for yourself and ask us to reenact we get home!
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