Author Archives: gomersallh

Book Study and Local Geography Homework Grid – New 2024 Summer 2nd English Knowledge Organiser Summer 2nd Maths Knowledge Organiser

Topic Knowledge Organiser Temples and Tombs Temples Tombs and Treasures Homework Grid – New 2024 English Instructions Knowledge Organiser Maths Year 3 Maths Knowledge Organiser – Summer 1 Year 4 Maths Knowledge Organiser – Summer

This term, our topic has been called Planet Earth. In this topic, we have been learning about Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Rivers. To finish with, we were able to show off all our knowledge and present what we have learnt to the rest of the class. It was a great chance to let people know all …

This morning, we were treated to an orienteering session, run by Simon Martland from the Airienteers, a local orienteering group. We had lots of fun practising using our map-reading skills to find various points, pictures and signs. Firstly, we looked at smaller maps and practised how to hold the maps so that we always had …

Today, Falcons were lucky enough to spend a session with a PGA Professional and Golf Education Tutor, Stu Warren. He came in to give us a taster of Golf and we loved it! We had great fun practising our swing and drive and by the end of the session, we all had massively improved and …

After exploring the history of kites, the three classes, Falcons, Woodpeckers and Red Kites, dedicated a full day to design, create and fly their own kites. To kick off the day, we all gathered in the hall, being welcomed in by ‘Let’s Go Fly a Kite’ from the film Mary Poppins. We recapped the knowledge …

As part of our RE lessons, Mrs Maan came to school to give a presentation on Sikhism to all of LKS2. The children got to learn more about Sikhism and add to their knowledge already gained from lessons in class this term. They got to ask lots of questions! Avaani did a brilliant job taking …

In English, we are currently reading the book ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ from the Chronicles of Narnia. We are really enjoying it so far and can’t wait to read some more. In our last lesson, we looked at a WABOLL (What a Bad One Looks Like) of a setting description that was …

To start our topic of Perimeter in Maths, we went practical! We learnt all about what perimeter was and how we can work it out for different shapes. First, we drew our own shapes and then calculated their perimeter. We then went round the classroom and measured certain objects to find their perimeter. See for yourself! …

This week in Science, we conducted an investigation! The question we looked at was ‘Does head circumference help us to predict a person’s height?’ We made our predictions and then soon set about trying to find the answer. We used metre sticks and tape measures to find out the measurements for children in the class …
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