Author Archives: gibsons09

World Book Day 2024 | 07 Mar 2024

What fantastic book characters we had in Eagles today! We had a busy day reading for pleasure and sharing our favourite books. We buddied up with Puffins to share our reading and got the Y5s to read to us. We took some time to make our own bookmarks using stencils and used these to track …

Skylarks class have been investigating structures from around the world. They worked in groups to try to identify the type of structure, what it was made from and most importantly what made it stable!The children came up with some brilliant ideas and noticed that for many structures, the base is wider than the top, helping …

To complete our English unit on instructions and recipes, we followed instructions to make jam sandwiches. Afterwards we wrote our own instructions for others, making sure that they were numbered, started with an imperative verb and gave enough information. The jam sandwiches were delicious.

Today was our final performance of ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’. KS1 did brilliantly and made us all proud. Here are photos of all are fantastic performers. Well done KS1! The Angel who nearly missed it all Programme 2023

As part of our topic work we have been working on our weaving skills. The concentration was impressive. We have also created our Christmas cards using the same technique. They will be coming home soon for you to enjoy.

As a team we have created sand sculptures of things we might see at the beach or in the sea. We used different tools to create texture and pattern. We completed our sculptures by adding shells and pebbles.

Tranmere Times 23.6.23 | 23 Jun 2023

In topic, Eagles have been learning all about Mary Seacole. In the first lesson, we watched a video about Mary’s life and wrote about what we had learnt. In this lesson, we went outside into the playground and placed events in Mary Seacole’s life onto a timeline in chronological order.

Maths in Eagles | 12 May 2023

In Maths this week, Eagles have been looking at doubles and near doubles within 20. They confidently added spots to their ladybirds or selected Numicon to represent all of the doubles to 20. Eagles then used their knowledge of doubles to help them calculate near doubles like 7+8.
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