Author Archives: bells

Chick Watch | 29 Jan 2018

We are pleased to announce that Chick Watch is now back…enjoy!! 🐥🐥🐥

Beaking News | 27 Jan 2018

Chick number 7 was born this lunch time, and the 6 eldest chicks have made their way into their new home. Once they have settled in I will attempt another video! #eggwatch #chickwatch

“Healthy Heart” Workshops with Heart Research UK | 05 Jan 2018

Heart Research UK came in today to to deliver a workshop, on how pupils can keep their Heart Healthy. The workshop covered the heart, why it is so important, what it does and how to keep your heart healthy by eating a healthy diet, being active and not smoking. It also includes the importance of …

KS1 and EYFS Movie Night | 20 Nov 2017

Tonight was the first of the PTA movie nights. The children got to enjoy the film ‘Sing’, whilst munching on popcorn and joining in with all the songs. They all seemed to have a really good time. Thank you to all PTA who stayed and helped out.

A big hello to all children and parents of this year’s Skylarks class. We hope you have had a great summer break and have returned refreshed and ready for the challenge of year 2, We certainly have! Class page
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