Author Archives: beestinh

Over this half term we have learnt a lot about ‘Ourselves.’ We have settled well in to our new school environment, made new friends, talked about our families and celebrated how unique we all are.  Today we made our own little faces talking about all the different features. We then used different types of media …

This week we have looked and talked about the sense of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. We have completed little experiments to find out how some of these work. We tasted lots of different foods and found that some were sour, bitter, salty and sweet. We have also used our sense of touch. We …

A Busy Few Weeks – Robins | 13 Oct 2020

This term is going so fast, but we have found many new places to explore in our exciting classroom. We have talked about the school rules, how to take turns and how we  belong to Team Tranmere.                                  

  We were all excited this morning as we went for a new adventure over to the hall for PE. We talked about why exercise is important and different ways we could stay healthy. To begin we did a quick warm up, then we ‘Went on a Bear Hunt’ using different yoga poses. We have …

Bluebirds and Robins have settled well into their new routines and are enjoying school life a Tranmere Park.

As part of our topic on ‘Fabulous Food’ we had great fun during our Muddy Puddle Day.  We explored what else we could do with food. First we looked at the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and found out he created portraits using fruit and vegetables. During the day we used our imagination to create our own, …

This week we have designed our own puppets. We worked in small groups and talked about the texture, colour and features of our designs. We then acted out our own stories and made a puppet theatre using the blocks.  

Today Wrens and Robins got together for some festive cheer.  The children worked together to make marshmallow snowmen. The children were really excited and worked well as a team.  It was lovely to see the Christmas spirit. Well done everyone.  

As part of our learning this term we have talked a lot about ourselves.  We have used different types of media to create pictures and even created chatterboxes with our parents. This week we have brought them back to school filled with things that are special to us and shared these with our friends.   …

In maths we have looked at shapes in our environment.  We have used different areas of provision to talk about and name all the different shapes we know.  
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