Author Archives: Mr Beech

Barvember 9-11-17 | 09 Nov 2017

This is the next of our Barvember challenge. Let us know how you got on!

Win a year’s supply of books! | 08 Nov 2017

Hidden Books Game Every November, thousands of bookworms across the country put their literary knowledge to the test with our fun and fiendish Hidden Books Game. Journey with us along Corvus Street, hop on the Hispaniola Ferry and swing by The Shire to find the 20 book titles hiding in our wintry scene. Guess them …

Barvember 8-11-17 | 08 Nov 2017

Our second post of Barvember. Remember – we want to hear your answers and don’t forget to show your working!

Barvember post attempt #2 | 07 Nov 2017

Barvember is organised by White Rose Maths to encourage everyone to use the bar model. We believe that the Bar Model is a useful tool for helping children visualise and then solve maths problems. Even some of the most complex problems can be seen much easier when represented visually. Barvember provides an opportunity for everyone …

Parents Evening Booking | 02 Nov 2017

Last year we had really positive feedback on the use of an online booking system which we are going to use again this year. Please use the link below to access the system. The process is hopefully self-explanatory but if you have any questions, just ask a member of the teaching staff. Please note that …

STEP forward Parenting – Aireborough Childrens Services | 30 Oct 2017

Step Forward poster Nov17

Cartwright Hall trip: Day 1 – Puffins and Kingfishers | 18 Oct 2017

We’re on the way!!!! More to follow!

Invacuation drill. | 16 Oct 2017

As you will be aware, school have many procedures in place to try to maintain the safety of all of our children, staff and visitors in the event of an emergency. The children are very aware of the need for us to have fire evacuation routines and we regularly practise procedures for this throughout the …

Aireborough Children’s Services Newsletter | 09 Oct 2017

ACS Autumn 2017 Newsletter

Parent Directory | 06 Sep 2017

We are very excited to present our new parent directory. It should hopefully contain lots of information for new parents to school and be helpful for our existing parents too. We hope you like it! Tranmere Parent Information Directory
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