Author Archives: Mr Beech

Barvember 22nd November | 22 Nov 2017

For your mathematical delectation:

Barvember 21st November | 21 Nov 2017

Tried and failed to write a slightly pathetic, vaguely humorous comment about this one. Suggestions please? #Fail #BringOnTheBurn

Barvember 20th November | 21 Nov 2017

A day in the life for some fish according to Sir David Attenborough… #BluePlanetII #Kobudai

Barvember 17th November | 21 Nov 2017

Despite today’s problem, I fully expect both David and Caroline will not be able to find a usable pencil for the work at hand. “Excuuuuse me Mr Beech, I haven’t got a pencil…” #TeacherProblems #IGiveUp

Barvember Thursday 16th November | 21 Nov 2017

After some anecdotal feedback (from me to me) it has been decided (also by me in consultation with me) that the missing Barvember posts from the last few days should be posted separately rather than in one giant post. This is to help the comments section on Facebook make sense. So without further ado, here …

Barvember 14th and 15th | 15 Nov 2017

Apologies to all of the maths fans out there, due to parent consultations I was unable to post yesterday’s problem so here is a double whammy! Below them is a video explaining how the Bar Method can be used in school – we had quite a few questions about this at parents evening so I …

Falcons Practical Maths | 13 Nov 2017

Falcons have spent today’s maths lesson using Numicon to support addition. This is all part of our drive this year to continue the use of manipulatives (In plain English: things to hold that help with calculating!) into the upper year groups in school. The use of these physical tools would previously have tailed off as …

Barvember 13-11-17 | 13 Nov 2017

Big well done to the Facebook users for their outstanding response to the problems over the weekend. Still room for improvement though – over 600 views and only 6 answers! Remeber – no shame in making mistakes; it’s how we learn!

Barvember 10-11-17 | 10 Nov 2017

Come on parents/carers, no answers posted on Facebook yet? Twitter users are beating you here! Is it fear of getting it wrong? Children of Tranmere – get your adults told. No shame in a wrong answer; it’s how we learn!

Step forward parenting course | 09 Nov 2017

The registration day for the upcoming STEPS course was held last Friday but unfortunately an insufficient number of people have registered to justify starting the course. Therefore they have taken the decision to delay the course and have another coffee morning to be held on Friday 17th November. Please see the flyer below for more …
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