Author Archives: Mr Beech

Online Safety – Roblox | 23 Jan 2018

Some concerns have come to light recently about children in Key Stage 1 using an online game called Roblox. It appears that this game contains a social chat element and there have been reports of children in school being exposed to content which is not appropriate for their age group. Please take the time to …

Carols around the tree | 20 Dec 2017

This afternoon, we all really enjoyed finishing the run up to Christmas in our traditional way with carols around the tree. All of the year groups took a turn to sing two of their songs from Christmas productions and concerts. The staff ‘serenaded’ the pupils with our usual rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas …

Y5/6 Christmas Party | 20 Dec 2017

All of the children in years 5 & 6 really enjoyed their Christmas party today, ending the Autumn term in a really great way! Merry Christmas to all our families!

How to find homework on the website | 14 Dec 2017

How to find homework for each class on the school website

Clarification for Friday 15th December | 14 Dec 2017

Tomorrow is a total non-uniform day. Please disregard any and all other information to the contrary. The opportunity to wear their own clothes is entirely voluntary and is in return for a small donation to Scope. For children in Key Stage 1, a change of clothes for the party will not be required. Apologies for …

Y5/6 Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal | 11 Dec 2017

We spent an hour this morning serenading the rest of the children in school (and a select group of parents that won’t be able to make it to the church this week) with a combination of traditional and modern songs, readings, poems and hymns for our Christmas Carol Concert  dress rehearsal. We feel we are …

Barvember, and finally… | 01 Dec 2017

Thank you all for your involvement in Barvember. A particular thank you to those who commented on social media and got involved, it has been great to see so many parents taking part in maths and this sets such a great example to your children – that challenge is something to relish, not be afraid …

Barvember 27th November | 27 Nov 2017

We are nearing the end of Barvember now – not long to go to prove your mathematical mettle!

Barvember 24th November | 24 Nov 2017

Barvember 23rd November | 23 Nov 2017

If the ratio of blue to red team points is 1:5, who has been hiding all of the yellow and green ones? Do we need CCTV on our team point boxes?
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