Author Archives: Mr Beech

NED Yo-yos | 29 Jun 2018

Please be aware that, due to the fact that we ran out of Boomerang Yo-yos last week, we will be selling all 3 kinds of Yo-yos until Tuesday. We expect the new stock of Boomerangs to arrive on Monday but please bear with us if they have not arrived. Any money that comes in can …


We have received the below from the head of a local school. If you would like any advice on this, please contact the school office to make an appointment with Mr Beech or Mrs Martin. Dear Parent/Carer IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDING ALERT We have been made aware of a person using Instagram to target young boys to …

Struggling to control a Fortnite addiction? | 27 Jun 2018

The following information has been gratefully received from a parent and we feel that it may be useful to many parents. If you would like any more advice or information about parental controls, there are some guides on our Online Safety page for other platforms. Alternatively, contact the school office to book a time with …

NED Show assembly | 25 Jun 2018

This morning all of the children were visited by the NED Show for our Monday assembly. We all learnt the NED message: Never give up Encourage others Do your best! We watched some fantastic YoYo tricks and heard all about Ned’s wacky morning on his way to our school. Letters were sent out on Friday …

Error in staffing on the Tranmere Times | 22 Jun 2018

Please note that the staffing list on the Tranmere Times should read that Kingfishers is a Y6 class, not a Y5/6 class with Mrs Tate. Apologies.

Coat found in Dale Close. | 18 Jun 2018

A coat has been found in Dale Close. It was found early on Friday morning. If anyone knows who it may belong to, please contact the school office.

Royal Wedding Lunch | 18 May 2018

Today the children all enjoyed a street party picnic lunch to celebrate tomorrow’s royal wedding. Amazingly, the weather was kind to us and we were able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine!

Y4 are on the way home! | 02 May 2018

ETA 3:15(ish) See you soon!

Outdoor environment day | 26 Apr 2018

Tomorrow is our annual outdoor environment day for all classes. Please can all children come to school in ‘playing out’ clothes that are suitable for being outdoors and (very likely) getting muddy. We will all be outside for a significant amount of time so make sure you all wrap up warm if the weather looks …

Tranmere Times 20.4.18 | 20 Apr 2018

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