Author Archives: Mr Beech

Consultation on changes to the Admissions Policy for Schools in Leeds | 15 Nov 2018

Please see the flyer below. You can find more information here about the changes. This consultation could particularly affect parents of children who are not yet in school so please spread the word to anyone you know. Admission Policy Consultation Poster

Fantastic French! | 14 Nov 2018

Take a look at some of the amazing French work that has been going on in school this week! It was lovely to see some of the fun children have been having with Modern Foreign Languages! Très bien Year 5! Mrs Hodgson Take a look at us in action:  

Anti Bullying week | 13 Nov 2018

We are discussing anti-bullying this week in school. Mrs Finley launched the message with her assembly on Monday and all classes will be discussing this across the week. Please see below for some information about this year’s theme. The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is to choose respect over bullying. Following a consultation with …

Safeguarding message | 13 Nov 2018

We have received a ‘hotline’ message from a local school to warn us that two men appeared to have been filming four boys after school yesterday near the Wetherby Whaler site. The police have been informed by the local school. Please be extra vigilant.

Parents Evening Booking | 12 Nov 2018

Last year we had really positive feedback on the use of an online booking system which we are going to use again this year. Please use the link below to access the system. The process is hopefully self-explanatory but if you have any questions, just ask a member of the teaching staff. Please note that …

Remembrance art work | 12 Nov 2018

Some lovely art work from Key Stage 2 children last week as part of our work on remembrance. Mrs Hodgson

Paintings, Pictures and Photographs Homework Grid – 2018 Knowledge Organiser – Painting Pictures & Photographs 2018 Autumn 2nd English Knowledge Organiser 2018 Autumn 2nd Maths Knowledge Organiser 2018

A minute of silence | 09 Nov 2018

A minute of silence was held today to remember those lost. Thank you to all who contributed to our poppy field art installation.

STEMettes – Girls Hackathon | 06 Nov 2018

Please see below for an exciting opportunity! NHS England, NHS Digital, and the Department of Health and Social Care have teamed up with Stemettes to bring you a really unique and exciting event where you can create your very own app! Have you ever used an app? Would you like to make one? Are you interested in …

Parent Consultations Booking Link | 19 Oct 2018

Please find below the booking link for the Autumn Parent Consultations
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