March 2023

Trolling is the act of making inflammatory comments or behaving in an abusive manner online to hurt the feelings of others or provoke a reaction from them  It is estimated that in 2022, over a third (34%) of people in the UK who suffered online abuse were specifically victims of trolling. The repercussions of this type …

Skylarks Year 2s have moved onto length and height in maths and over the last few days they have been putting their measuring skills to the test, measuring a range of objects in cm and m. The children enjoyed exploring our school, measuring desks, tables, cupboards and so much more. Here we are in action!

Tranmere Times 28.06.24 | 28 Jun 2024

As part of our Geography unit this half term, the children have been learning about the Continents of the World. Last week, the children learnt that there are 7 Continents and began to locate them in Atlases, on globes and on Google Earth too! The children have learnt a fantastic song to help them remember …

A 2023 report from the Gambling Commission found that 40% of 11–to 17-year-olds had some experience of gambling in the preceding 12 months  That’s a significant number of children and young people involved in an over 18s activity  Engagement and exposure to gambling can impact one’s finances, mental health and wellbeing. It is crucial we are all aware of …

This morning, we have been looking at measuring using centimetres and metres. We discussed that there are 100cm in 1m. The class partnered up to measure different objects in our classroom using a 30cm ruler. If objects were slightly bigger than the ruler, we used our finger as a marker and measured the other part …

In Year 2, we have been learning to recognise and tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to). The children have used clocks to show different times, played board games to read different times and have played bingo where they have had to draw different times on a clock. Year 2 are …

Tranmere Times 21.6.24 | 21 Jun 2024

This morning in Maths, we started our session by using our knowledge of classifying angles to estimate the size of various angles. Then, we had a go at using protractors to accurately measure angles, which our buddies drew for us…ON THE TABLES! I know, we were pretty shocked by this too!

Before half term, Herons planted a variety of different seeds including; spinach, pea and spring onion. We have cared for these plants by giving them plenty of water and sun. We have now had the opportunity to plant them outside as they needed more space to grow.
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